6 | Only a Dream

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In the events of people tossing other people across the room, slamming their faces in the ground, and punching them repetitively, all I could even think about doing was sit under a table that was not yet overturned and/or broken and try not to have a massive heart attack. Which was hard. Really hard.

That Adolf guy--who's stamina seemed way too high by the way-- had the upper hand. Steve was on his back, struggling with Adolf's hands around his neck and out of everything I could have felt, including fear, I felt...stuck.

I had never felt so many emotions surge through my body before. But then again I had never had someone attempt to abduct me and have a super hot super soldier guy save me within the same hour. It wasn't like it was my usual Tuesday to find out I had superpowers, either.

I put my arms around my head and winced. All I wanted was for this to be a dream. I would wake up any second now. "It's just a dream," I muttered.

"Rachel!" I heard Captain Rogers strain my name and my eyes snapped open. I looked up just in time to see him with Adolf lifted above his head.

"Oh!" I yelped before throwing myself from under the table just in time for Steve to slam him down on it, breaking it into several splintery pieces.

From my awkward position on the ground, I looked at Adolf who was nothing short of unconscious. I slowly turned my head up to Steve who was breathing hard with a very small smile and had blood dribbling down from the corner of his lip. I wasn't sure what my face looked like but I'm sure it said something along the lines of 'what...the...shit.'

He looked at me and his sly grin slowly turned into a small sympathetic smile. "Sorry." He said.

All I could do was furrow my eyebrows and let out a long light sigh--that was probably pain from a rib that could or not have been cracked. "...Okay." I squeaked.

He let out his hand and I took it. He softly pulled me up, but nonetheless, I winced, my fingers rushing to my side where I was sure bruises would be tomorrow.

"You okay?" He asked seriously, holding my hips to steady me. I considered blushing, but I was way too focused on the pain I was feeling on my right side. Plus, I was still scared half to hell.

"Rib. Busted a rib." I said lowly and painfully. His sympathy quickly turned to concern. "I'm going to get you to a hospital."

I looked up at him and through my painful expression, I conjured up a small smile. "I'm okay."

His concern turned into a small smile.

Oh gosh, he had a dimple. God help the queen.

I thought I began smiling like an idiot. An idiot in pain.

Over his shoulder, I caught sight of something large moving. My eyes widened. "Look out!" I yelled, my voice cracking. My first instinct was to duck when I saw the large plank swing into Steve, making him yell out painfully and fall forward. "You have ruined my operation for the last time, American Man!" Adolf's voice boomed and my face suddenly sank with fear.

"Run, Rachel!" Steve yelled right before he was snatched by his foot. My eyes widened and I backed away as Steve was picked up upside down.

"I have you now." Adolf chuckled and turned his back.

Stupid mistake.

I scrunched up my nose and reached for one of the cylinder-shaped metal legs of one of the broken tables. "Let him go!" I leaped to my feet and before I could talk myself out of anything, I squeezed my eyes shut and swung it as hard as I could.

Unfortunately, I had weasel arms and the thick pole bounced off of him and fell to the ground with an unsatisfactory clank. My eyes widened as I looked down at the useless piece of metal. "Oh fuck..." I muttered, slightly panicked.

Adolf let Steve go and he turned slowly. I shrank when I came face to face with an angry scowl that looked like it wanted to eat me alive. I gave a scared smile. "Um...please?" I said shakily.

He growled loudly before swinging his arm to catch me in them. I fell to the ground with a scream to avoid him. Smooth, I know.

My body twisted as I wriggled and did some sort of awkward roll to get as far as I could.

"Alright big guy..." Steve strained his voice as he jumped on Adolf's back, making him stumble back. "Time for a nap." he took out a syringe that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and jammed it in the bigger man's neck.
From my place on the ground, I cringed. Needles weren't my thing.  Of course, though, it was bad timing to be thinking of something like this.

Adolf let out a yelp and tried to fling Steve off of him, but with the tranquilizer running through his veins, his attempts were ill-fated. He fell to his knees and with one last gasp he was out like a little nightlight.

As hastily as it could have been done, Steve jumped off of his back, grabbed my arm and nearly yanked me to my feet. "We have to go, now." He said as he began pulling me away from the scene.

I looked back over at where I was hiding before and stopped. "Wait, wait!" I removed my arm from his hand and rushed over to where the toppled bookcases were and rummaged through the pile of books until I found what I was looking for--the stone. I pushed myself up by my knees and trotted back towards Steve who looked like he seriously wanted to get out of there. To be fair, so did I.

He recaptured my hand and pulled me out through the exit into the quiet night.

"What was that you injected him with?" I asked, distressed as we ran up to where his bike was.

He quickly got on, removed his shield from his back and put it on the front of his cycle. "Enough tranquilizer to put an elephant down. Get on." He said, not looking at me.

I hesitated and looked back at the school where I was just attacked. I looked back at Steve. "I..."

He looked up at me and sensed my hesitation. Hopefully, he sensed my fear as well. "Rachel, he may be down, but the people who sent him probably already know. We need to go." He let out his hand. I looked at it and thought of all the possible outcomes of me not going with him. If I stayed then there was a possibility that Mr. German in there would wake up. If I went... Then at least the possibilities of me dying that day would be slimmer.

A slight sigh escaped my lips. This was my only option. I got on behind him like I had done previously that day and wrapped my arms around him tightly.

If I thought this was a dream before, then I sure as hell needed to wake up soon.

For the Love of a Patriot || 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮 ✔️ [#wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now