11 | Experimental

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8/10/16, 5:42 AM


Two Weeks Later

"Holy fuckballs," I muttered, looking up at one of the largest towers in New York. Bet you couldn't guess where we were, it started with an 'A' and ended with 'Vengers Tower'.

"Language," Steve said from beside me, but I paid him no mind. He had started getting on me about my cursing problem, telling me it wasn't ladylike, but at the moment my focus wasn't on him.

He looked down at his watch. "We should go in. Before Tony goes off on another adventure and gets himself stuck on another remote island." He said beginning to walk towards the entrance. I followed after him excitedly as we entered the lobby-ish looking room. "Is that why we didn't come last time? Because you had to save Tony Stark from a remote island?" I asked with my hands in front of me and looking around. "There are a lot of photos of him down here," I mumbled to myself as we neared the elevator.

"He's got an ego." He said as we stepped into the elevator.

"So you've said," I replied. "So are you gonna tell me why we're here? I mean I'm not complaining, this is awesome." I smiled cheekily. I knew I was acting like a child but I had to get my jitters and butterflies out before meeting the Tony Stark. I had to be an adult.

"Dr. Banner and Stark will be assisting you with your research on the stone." He looked down at me and my jaw nearly went slack. "Dr....Dr. Banner? The Dr. Banner? As in 'The Study of Biological Organics' and 'Paleomagnetism ' Dr. Banner?" My voice started getting high pitched and I felt like I couldn't contain myself.

"I only know him for when he turns green..." Steve replied lowly and I furrowed my eyebrows suddenly. "Huh?"

"Nothing." He replied quickly. I would have been suspicious if I wasn't about to meet two men that I'd been idolizing since I was old enough to fully comprehend Einstein's theory of relativity.

I took a deep breath and looked ahead and closed my eyes. "Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas. At least Denise could sneeze
and feed and freeze the fleas. Denise sees the fleece, Denise sees the fleas. At least Denise could sneeze and feed and freeze the fleas." I quickly muttered the tongue twister I had perfected over the years to calm myself down.

I opened my eyes to see Steve smiling lightly. He'd only witnessed me do this one other time and it seemed to amuse him how I used tongue twisters to untwist my nerves.

"Are you calm?" He asked, keeping his smile. I playfully rolled my eyes. "And collected."

"Good." He said before the elevator dinged and opened.

"Dios Mío..." I mumbled looking around as I followed behind Steve around the livingroom-ish area. "This one room is the size of the whole apartment." I put my hand on my heart as I followed him down a clear flight of stairs and down a hall.

We stopped at a door and for a second I could see Steve pause. "I'll have to warn you. He can be a little irrational."

"Irrational how?" I asked slowly.

He took a deep breath and opened the door.

I peeked in from the side and my eyebrows raised in surprise.

For the Love of a Patriot || 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮 ✔️ [#wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now