37 | Superpower

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Rated (somethin').


December 25th.

He was probably delighted to feel my lips on his face. "Wake up." I smiled largely.

"It's early..." he muttered with his forearm over his eyes, trying not to smile.

"Not that early." I looked over at the alarm clock reading 7:57 AM.

"Early for you." He corrected himself. "What's all the fuss about?"

I pursed my grin, leaning over so I was still straddling him, picking up the small silver wrapped box.

"It's Christmas." I smiled, putting it on his chest. "This is from Gen and Cam, they gave it to me while we were at the party so you wouldn't give it back."

He opened his eyes slowly with an upraised brow. I smiled brightly and mischievously. "And you know you can't." I chuckled, holding it out to him.

I shifted on top of him so he could shift and sit up with a slightly annoyed but humorous grin, possibly of sarcasm. The night before, we had gone to Genesis' for an impromptu Christmas party. I had been approached by my sisters with a gift for him while he was socializing like a cute little extrovert.

Tearing away the silver wrapping, he opened the box to see a little piece of paper and an MVMTM Classic Black Tan watch.

"Ooh..." I raised my eyebrows with a smile. "Classy." I teased.

He glanced up at me with an upraised brow making me laugh a little bit before he looked down at the note.

"For the old guy with all the time in the world, from your sister-in-laws, Genesis and Camille...wink face."

By the time he had finished reading the note, I had finished blushing and rolled off of him and slipped off the bed to open the bedroom door.

Romeo, who had probably been sitting patiently for a moment came trotting in and I left the room.

"Rachel." He called my name as I found the other box I hid under the tree.

When he came in, holding Romeo in his arms, he looked at me with a tilted head and suspecting eyebrows. I was sitting on the sofa next to the tree with a big smile, holding a wrapped box in my hand behind my back wearing an ugly green Christmas sweater and black underwear.

For the Love of a Patriot || 𝗖𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮 ✔️ [#wattys 2018]Where stories live. Discover now