20 | The Lovely Heretic

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~Redbone~~Childish Gambino~

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~Childish Gambino~


I set my purse down on the already cluttered examination table, catching his attention. He looked up from the floor, his glasses still tipping downward as his brown eyes examined who was before him. His eyebrows raised suddenly and he couldn't speak.

I smiled very slightly and raised my hand, bending my fingers in a weak little wave. "Hi."

He set down his clipboard. "Hey...I thought you were still in Brazil." He said softly. I slightly shook my head. "Left early. Priorities are priorities." I clasped my fingers in front of me. How are you, Bruce?"

He took off his glasses. "Fine..." he mumbled. "What about you? Everything okay?" He asked softly. I looked down and began to walk towards him slowly. "I'm as okay as I possibly can be. Right now, anyway." I shrugged, sitting down on the floor next to him. "Sometimes you just have to survive on what you can." I smiled softly, patting him on the shoulder.

He stared at me, his expression showing confusion, or like he wanted to ask me something. "Do...do you want to talk about anything, or...?" He was concerned for my wellbeing, he often was for people he cared about. It was very sweet.

I gave a small chuckle and looked down. "All I want to do..." I said slightly kicking my heels off. "Is get these painful things off of me," I took one and tossed it backward. "Get some caffeine in my system," I took out my ponytail, letting my hair fall. "And get back to work." I smiled contently and he blinked.

After a moment he nodded his head with just as much content in his little smile. "I'll get you some coffee." He pat my hand before standing up.

I looked down with another little chuckle, picking up his clipboard.

"I'm glad you're back, Rachel." He stopped and looked back at me and I looked back at him. "All of us."

I smiled. "Me too."

"Okay I did some research on our little deity here, and..." I adjusted my glasses, looking down at the holo-pad. I bounced the image up and it expanded in front of me. "She's quite the revolutionist."

I pulled up an image of her in African garments. She looked omnipotent, wielding such a power that could either help or completely and utterly destroy a situation.

"It says here that...she disagreed with the higher gods' beliefs and...slaughtered them all." Bruce adjusted his glasses and looked up at me with a less than surprised expression. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head. "What a lovely little heretic we have..." I blinked enlarging aspects of the image and spinning it for the hell of it, walking away. "Goddess of chaos and destruction. What a rep." I walked towards the stone. "Tunes?" I glanced at him over the rim of glasses, holding my mug. I'd changed into something more comfortable--a tank, some sweatpants, a gray hoodie, and put my hair up in some weird bun-ponytail combination.

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