Chapter 3 friends?

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3rd person view

 The class stared at the young girl in awe. She was very confused on why they where surprised. She walked really slow towards her father to hide behind. "Alright, class enough staring, and welcome her. She is a very special student, though she will be treated the same as you all." The girl walked towards a desk and sat in it. She sat next to a red headed boy, who looked like he was a no good person. The girl just tried to ignore that thought. She sat silent with her head down. She felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up to the boy with fiery red hair. "Hey, your Koro-Sensei's daughter right?" The young girl nodded. "Not much of a talker huh?"the boy asks. She shakes her head. "Well, I'm Karma." He held out a hand for her to shake. She takes it and says, "I'm Y/N. Nice to meets you Karma." " nice name you got there. Did you just make that up?" Her face changed to a confused look. She shook her head hesitantly. "Koro-sensei actually gave you a name? Well, when we met him he had no name, so we named him koro-sensei. How come you have a name and he didn't?" Y/N didn't feel comfortable around anyone anymore. She frowned and put her head back down. A boy with blue short hair spoke. "Karma leave her alone. I don't think she's comfortable with those kind of questions." He walked towards Y/N. "Hey, why don't you come sit next to me? Don't worry, I won't ask any questions about you or anything like that." She nodded and head to a desk next to the blue headed boy. "Heh, sorry about Karma over there. I'm Nagisa by the way." He gave smile. Y/N smiled back. "I'm Y/N. A pleasure to meet you Nagisa. Thank you for saving me back there." She said. They chatted for a little. She was happy that someone would be her friend.

Sorry for not updating. I was busy with my other books. I write books first then update, So if haven't updated in while, I'm writing. Oh! And sorry for the short chapter. Seeing you guys wanted me to update so bad, I just had to wing it. But thanks guys so much for reading this! Leave a comment, vote it, thanks guys


[DISCONTINUED] A Secret in all of Us [Nagisa x reader x Karma]Where stories live. Discover now