Chapter 9. Incidents after Incidents...

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.:.3rd person.:.

Y/N was pinned up against a tree away from the classroom. Y/N looked at the figure and saw... Karma. Y/N's hair turned a bright pink along with her face. She stared at Karma's golden eyes. He began to creep closer to her face but she pushed him away. "Karma, what were you doing?!" Y/N whisper-yelled. Karma quickly wiped his thumb across her cheek and wiped off some of her lunch from earlier. "I just wanted to get that crum off your face. It was there all day, nothing to worry about." Y/N heart dropped. Not only from thinking wrong bit from surprise. Karma smirked and let out a chuckle. "What? You thought i was going to do something else weren't you?" He said, still with that cocky smirk of his.

.:. Your POV .:.

I blush a crimson red and turn around. "N-NO!... Maybe..." I whispered. Though he heard me and grabbed my chin making me turn towards his face. "You look adorable." He said. I pull away and try to cool down. As soon as I did I ran up to the group and stood next to Nagisa.

.:. Nagisa's POV .:.

I see Y/N run up yo me and stand next to me. She seemed a little warm. She was red. I put my hand on her head and i almost burn my hand. I quickly release my hand from her forehead and blow on my hand. "Y/N are you Okay?!" I say while blowing on my hand. She stares at me and nodded. "Uh... Yeah! Of course! Why wouldn't I just uh, hot from walking that's all!" She said sweaty. I knew she was lying but I decided to play along. "Okay, I was just wondering." I say while shaking my hand to cool off. "Here. let me." Y/N said while rapping her cool tentacle around my hand. Soon my hand was cooled off and she let go. "Sorry for burning you. I tend to do that sometimes." She says, rubbing the Back of her head. "It's okay," I said, while giving her a small smile. She lit up with a pink face. We both lock eyes. We began to lean closer. I felt my face heat up. She held out her hand under my chin and rubbed her thumb against my cheek. My face began to get hotter. She wipes my lip and pulls away. "Huh, you had some blue paint right there. I wonder how that happened." She questioned and I sweatdropped. I saw Karma walk up to us with a pissed off look. "What's up with you?" I ask, he just glared at me and walked away with his hands in his pockets. Uh oh. I know whats wrong. He likes Y/N too.

((A/N: so, what did you think? Tell me what your favorite part was in the comments! Oh! And I'm running low on ideas imma take requests. I'll tag you and give you credit for the chapter! Welp that's it. Bye.))

[DISCONTINUED] A Secret in all of Us [Nagisa x reader x Karma]Where stories live. Discover now