Chapter 4. I have to what?!

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.:.Y/N's pov.:.

It was time for gym. I didn't get to go for some reason. So I waited in a desk until anyone came. A man with black hair, and a blonde woman came through the door.
"Miss Koro, may we speak with you?" The man said, I nodded and went with them. "What do you need to talk about?" I said, confused on what was going on. "Miss Koro, did your father tell you why you came here?" The man spoke again. I shook my head, but stop and nodded hesitately. "Can you tell us what he had said?" The woman asked. "He said... to help or something... I don't remember much it was a few years ago when he had spoke about this school and tell me why I was here." I replied. "A few years?!" They both said at the same time. I was more confused than before. "Y-yeah...?" I said. "Well, I am sorry to say this but, you have to help the students kill your father." As I heard that I wanted to say that it wasn't true. I couldn't! I can't! I felt a tear roll down my face. I stayed silent. Why? Why do I have to help kill my own father?! Who set this up? Do I have to do this? A bunch of questions kept popping in my head. I finally stood up and ran into a forest as fast as I could and flew up into a tree and balled my eyes out. I heard someone below me. "Who's there?" My voice shook, but not much. "Y/n? Is that you?" I knew that voice. I looked down to see Nagisa and Karma staring up at me. "Nagisa? Karma? What are you guys doing here?" "The real question is why you're here." Karma said. I let out a sigh. "Just leave me alone"



[DISCONTINUED] A Secret in all of Us [Nagisa x reader x Karma]Where stories live. Discover now