Chapter two: The note

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Everything around me was black, no not black, it had no color, the absence of color frightened me and I wondered where it had gone off to. I tried to locate my body but had not success, I couldn’t feel anything, did that mean I was dead? But shouldn’t there be something… well I didn’t know, fun be on the other side? This was kind of a disappointment.

*Beep Beep* ah hart rate alive, hospital. That explained it. if dead were like this I was wondering why people needed to die. I always thought that life was just the beginning and death was when it truly started but if it was as boring as no color, nothing at all really I would never want to die.

Back to the point, my heart was beating so why couldn’t I feel my body? Think think, wolf, Claws, leg. The images buzzed through my head and with shock I realized I must have been sedated, how bad had the wound been? Why hadn’t I been eaten? I tried to open my eyes but when I did so blinding light shone into my eyes that made me not want to open them again. I grunted. Sound, that was good.

“Sweetheart, are you awake?” I heard the familiar voice of my mother say. I grunted again not able to make words yet. My mom was the only one who I could normally speak with, I loved her to death and she loved me as much as I loved her, I had never doubted about that.

“Ow sweety I was so worried about you!” she said. I heard from her voice she meant it, why wouldn’t she?

“What happened?” I asked after about 5 minutes had passed, I had needed that time only to form those two words.

“You… the teacher… well, this is what I’ve heard, the teacher send you to the supply shed to get something but you didn’t come back so he went to check, you didn’t respond to his calls he heard a growl he called again another growl you got up and he was relieved and when he came towards to to see if you were alright a wolf jumped towards him, you screamed something and put yourself between de teacher and the wolf and the wolf… he… ripped open your leg and lied beside you until the ambulance came, he howled and took af as soon as the peramedics arrived. It sounds like… that twilight book everyone was talking about some time ago, honey do you remember anything?” She asked me. I processed the words in my mind and tried to see until when I remembered the story. I remember my leg getting ripped, the teacher saying he would call for help, and the ambulance, the howl, but other than that, I must’ve passed out.

“I remember most of it… how is my leg, is it still there?” I asked concerned using my hands to look for it.

“You were lucky, the wolf didn’t hit any major arteries, the marking runs from your right side to the inner side of your knee, there were to many stitches needed to count it was a clean not to deep cut, but you will never get rid of it.” She said. oh but that was something I could live with, leg with scars? Fine! No leg? NO WAY.

“Alright then,” I said. my mother knew about my strange way of thinking and understood that I had already come to terms with the situation.

“You will never guess who is here by the way.” She said secretively. I rolled my eyes and knew just who she meant.

“Kyle.” I stated and my mother looked at me with surprise. I looked her in the eyes and saw a part of myself in her, I had her eyes and bone structure, I got the freckles and hair color from my dad and I was happy with the combination. My mother’s hair on the other hand was blonde and straight where mine was curly. She was a bit smaller than I was but overall she looked really good for a woman in her forties. I smiled at her weird expression.  My attention was drawn away from her when the door opened.

“This has not been your day,” I heard Kyle’s voice say and I couldn’t help but laugh, he was right this hadn’t been my day.

“How did you manage to do that?” My mother asked him.

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