Once upon a time

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Once upon a time,
I was whole.
I was loved,
I had a passion.
My brain wasn't fuzzy
And I didn't have scars.

Once upon a time I had you,
I loved you
I wanted you.
I wanted to be with you,
Now I only want my bed.

Once upon a time I thought,
I used to think.
About you, flowers,clouds, the sky,
College, kids, a family of my own.
Now all I think about,
is when do I get to die.

Once upon a time my only way out
Was writing, singing,
and thinking about you.
Now my only way out is to be dying
Slowly and painfully
Now that I don't have you

Once upon a time I was whole
Not anymore
Because now I'm void
All alone with the coal you made
the replacement of my soul
All alone with my thoughts eating
Out my brain like its the only insight
Now I can't feel the pain in my body
My thoughts eating out my brain like a zombie.
All alone to deal with
The loss of everyone I loved

Once upon a time I loved you.
Once upon a time you cared.
Once upon a time you thought,
I wasn't beyond repair.
You left me alone.
To deal with me
You too easily left me to be
Once upon a time
I begrudgingly set you free,
From the burden I never meant to be.
Whilst In the end,
Im left with
nothing but despair and memories

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