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"Every story has two sides, this is only one"

❣️Dedicated to the lovely JRShepherd for always encouraging me to write. For constantly consolidating me and my work. Time after time he never fails to make my day. ❣️

Sticks and stones
may break my bones,
but baby you abuse your power to
vocalize in a way only you could hurt me most.

The core of my heart is empty.
This bereft feeling I have
is plenty enough to bare alone,
I only could because you did.

You were there,
throughout each tear
where I once loved myself,
the way you did yourself.

Sticks and stones
may break my bones,
But verbally,
You do the most to hurt me.

The door to my conscience is locked.
I've locked and blocked,
My thoughts from you
Your kinda like my writers block
Despairingly frustrating.

And anxiety prone.
From his much I jot down,
In sync with how my clock ticks,
Trying to harmonize with just one person.

The knot Forever in my head,
Is from stress.
Yet they have the audacity
To proclaim that I'm blessed.

No matter what, it hurts
The hurt just doesn't go away.
In church, they'll say what
they think you need to hear
While at the same time
verbally scolding you.
Then you go and decide
to preach you hate,
claiming its purely out of love for me.

There's been a war in my head,
Between my rage and my conscience
Rage says to respect you,
It's nonsense.
Conscience argues that
I'm sadly, I'm desperately in need of you
My pride won't allow me to have
What you've begrudgingly offered
I've gone and become clearescent
I've been stabbed away.
My living thoughts float free today,
These days,
I've been living in disbelief
My mind is a thief to knowledge
I bet life after the hell that's school
Will keep me in faze of wonder
Whether is the wise kind of ponder or will it make me think that
My intelligence is unwanted
Only I can havoc my mind, but your words lead me to overthink, reanalysis and reevaluate my conclusion on life.
Because in reality,
Sticks and stones
may break my bones
But verbally you'd hurt me most.

****ToBeContinued/2part poem****

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