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***3rd person POV***

It was the Pines' twins 15th birthday. Dipper and Mabel were celebrating at the Mystery Shack with a loud party. Mabel of course invited both her friends Candy and Grenda, while Dipper didn't really invite anyone. Surprisingly Pacifica also came to the birthday party and her and Mabel starting talking and somewhat getting along. Maybe a tiny bit of arguing here and there, but that was mostly when Dipper was over there with her and telling her to leave. But then Mabel or Stan would separate them from getting into a bigger fight.

"Ok guys! Let's get this party a big-" there was then a big explosion sound effect from Soos's keyboard. Everyone cheered and there was loud music and dancing lights. There would be some moments where Great Uncle Ford would come over to his brother Stan and tell him,
"You sure know how to throw a party." Gruncle Stan would always smile and reply with,
"Ya, guess I really do." While Mabel was dancing with her friends, sometimes Dipper would go up to Wendy and talk to her just a little, but then he would go to his sister so that she could go and talk to her group. Dipper didn't want to seem clingy to Wendy, knowing that she was already with someone new and he was just to young for her, still...

"Hey, it's time for cake! Then after we can open presents!" Ford called out. Mabel cheered at the sound of cake and ran to the table dragging both her friends with her. Dipper and Pacifica watched as the girls ran fast to get their seats. Dipper would laugh at his sister and Pacifica would just smile. They then went and walked over to the table and Dipper sat by his twin. Ford cut the cake as Stan helped serve them out. Of course Dipper and Mabel got the first 2 slices and then it went around to everyone else. It was a pretty big sized cake, and when I say big I mean big, as in if Ford made it for the whole town. Stan thought he was crazy, but got over it as his brother told him to invite the town to earn extra money.

As everyone got done eating Gruncle Stan called out to everyone for the presents.

"Ok guys, Dipper and Mable go and sit up front." Stan called out. As the twins made it to the seats they both looked a bit nervous.

"Gruncle? Um, do we have to open them in front of everyone? I feel kinda embarrassed." Mabel said.

"Ya, I agree. Can we wait after the party?" Dipper jumped in helping his sister. Stan thought about it and first he denied and thought it be fun, but he finally excepted after the third please.

"Augh, fine! Whatever. Go and have fun!" Stan let them go. As Mabel went to go run around and dance, Dipper went over and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and smiled.
'' Dipper thought. He was a bit taller now, and his body was changing. Although he never really liked the body hair like he thought he would when he was 12. So he usually always shaved, he didn't understand how other guys could deal with it.

****Time skip****

The party ended in the middle of the night. Everyone was really tired at the point, they had to admit it was a very fun party.
Mabel and Dipper were pretty zoned out by the time everyone left.

"Don't fall asleep now! We still have presents to give you!" Stan said walking out of the party room. Soos and Wendy came and sat a present in between them and Ford came and gave a separate present to Dipper.

"Waddles! Come and give Mabel the present!" Stan yelled to waddles. Waddles ran in with a box on top of him and Mabel got it.

"Ok so you both got a present together and one separate for each of ya. You can now open." Stan said. Mabel smiled over to her brother and they went down to open the one for each other first. Once the wrapping paper was gone, they opened the box to find a long sword.

"Whoa!" Both of them exclaimed loudly. Mabel tried to pick it up, but it was a bit heavy, so Dipper helped her some. As they held it the blade turned red and glowed.

"Great Uncle Ford made that for you guys. Now don't touch the blade or it will hurt. Not only cut, but it could burn your skin off." Stan explained.

"You can use that if you in danger with any monster. But please be careful." Ford said.

"Of course." Dipper said smiling. They put the sword up, watching the red blade turn normal again.

"Dude, we could've used that for the sea monster bro." Soos said.

"Or more like that Bill guy. Man! I still have dreams of that day!" Wendy said shuddering slightly. They all laughed some and Mabel and Dipper went to open the others. Mabel got a new grappling hook and sweater, and Dipper, well he got something very special from Ford and Stan.

"Th-the journals?! 1-3? All of them... how?!" Dipper excitedly jumped up.

"Kid, it took Stanley and I forever to remake those journals. We knew how much they meant to you, and the others got destroyed. So we thought we'd make another." Ford said patting the boy on the head. Dipper ran over and showed his sister as she did the same with him. They both smiled at their gifts and thanked everyone.

"We should probably head on to bed." Dipper said helping his twin up.

"Ok kiddos, get some good night sleep. Goodnight." Stan called our as they both ran up to their room. Dipper grabbed his PJ'S and went to the bathroom to change as he let Mabel change in the room. Once they were done he got back in the room and he took his hat off and set it on the nightstand. Dipper looked at the books one more time and put them under his bed. They both got into their beds and told each other goodnight, and the lights went out.



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I'm kidding...
BUT I'M HAPPY TO BE MAKING THIS AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! ^-^* ******************************

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