Ch. 2

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***Dipper's POV***

The lights suddenly went out. I jumped out my bed and looked out the Triangular window to see the whole town was having a power outing.

"Wow bro, you need to stop doing those tricks." Mabel was sitting on the edge of her bed. I shook my head and looked at the night light I turned off.

"What the heck?" I said looking at the lamp. I reached over and pulled the light switch and the lights were back on like nothing happened. The town was lit once again. I looked over to my sister too see she was staring in amazement.

"Whoa..." she whispered. There was then some footsteps outside our door and someone came in.

"Hey dudes, some crazy stuff just happened." Soos said standing in the doorway. Waddles ran past his feet and jumped onto Mabel's lap.

"Ya no kidding. What happened?" Stan came up behind Soos. Mabel looked at me, and I just looked over to the lamp.

"Th-the lamp. I'm not sure how." I stuttered. Gruncle Stan came over and unplugged the lamp. The power then went out again. We all gave each over weird looks and Stan plugged it back in.

"Ok, I guess your just going to have to sleep with the lights on. I don't like the feeling I'm getting of it, but let's just forget about it. It's been a long night and we need to sleep. Goodnight." Stan said and left the room with Soos following. I sighed and got back to bed.

"That's so weird." Mabel said. I shrugged laying on my side.

"We've been through weirder stuff then this." I replied. She just smiled and turned over with Waddles and went to sleep. I turned onto my back and looked up to the cieling.
'Trust no one....'

****Time skip****

I woke up that morning to a loud crash and yelling. I just turned over and covered my ears with my pillow. I opened my eyes to see Mabel up and dressed. She still had her sweaters, and always making more. She was playing with the pig. I decided to get up, and as I did I yawned getting my sisters attention.

"What time is it?" I said sleepily. Mabel chuckled slightly before replying.

"It's almost 10 in the morning!" She said poking me making me laugh as I poked her back. I got up and stretched and grabbed my clothes and went to go change. I went into the bathroom and decided to put some jeans on, along with a reddish/orange t-shirt. I looked in the mirror and slipped on a dark blue jacket. My pants were ripped at some spots, there was a big whole where my left knee was. The pants weren't big or baggy, they were just perfect, kinda like skinny jeans but not too tight. They were actually my favorite pair of jeans and I just felt like wearing them.
I got out of the bathroom and went back to the room to grab my hat to hide my messy hair.

"Breakfast is already made, go and help yourself." Mabel said. I nodded and went out of the room. I went down to the dining room and sat at the table. Once I did there was a plate set in front of me by Gruncle Stan.

"Thank you." I said and began to eat my pancakes. The pancake also had to eggs on it and bacon, making the delicious food frowning at me. I just laughed to myself at the food.
'Noooo! Don't eat me mister!' I thought as I took a chunk from my food.
'Aaah! God! Nooooo! That was my eye, you monster!' I thought again and I chewed. I began to laugh a bit harder.

"Calm down there kid, it's just a frowning pancake that wants mercy." Stan said making us both laugh more.
Once I got done eating I put the plate into the sink and ran up back to my room to grab the journals. When I got in there I saw that Mabel wasn't in here.

"Mabel?" I called out, but I got no reply. I just shrugged and pulled out the journals from under my bed. I sat on my bed and opened the first journal. I looked through all the pages, seeing some new things. I did the same to the second on and the third. But something caught my eye in the very last page of the third journal that was never there on the original one.

'Careful with these, they can still be taken any moment. Don't let anyone see these.'

I stared at it in confusion and kept it open to those pages as I looked through the second book again. I flipped through the pages and stopped on a certain page. A page with a familiar face, well more like shape.

"Bill..." I whispered. I started to read the page and even tried to read through the marked out section. As I did I felt a tension growing as if someone was watching me. I quickly looked around to see no one. My breathing was struggling for some reason and it was hard to get it back under control. I gasped and went over and shut both journals. Once I did, everything was back to normal. I dropped to my knees and grabbed my chest breathing in air more easily now.

"Dip-in-sauce? You ok?" Mabel came in and saw me on the ground. I looked up at her with wide eyes and she quickly closed the door and came to my side helping me up and onto the bed.

"What the heck happened?" Mabel asked with worry in her voice. I hid my face in my hands and shook my head. I took a big slow shakey breath, and looked over to Mabel.

"I was just looking at the page with Bill on it...and then I just couldn't breath." I told her. She seemed worried and a bit scared.

"You don't think he'll ever come back, right?" She asked. I gave her a warm smile and hugged her. I got up and held out my hand to my sis.

"He's gone. Now come and let's go have fun." I said as Mabel took my hand. I helped her up and we went down to the gift shop.
We saw Wendy behind the counter looking bored and on her phone. I sighed and walked over to the snack machine. Mabel followed and patted my shoulder.

"Hey, your getting better.. that's a good sign." Mabel smiled at me. I only nodded and put a dollar bill on the machine, pressing the numbers to get some chips. I opened the bag and saw that it was only filled half way.
'Seriously....?' I thought. I really hated when they do that, like, you go to get a big bag of chips and when you open them it's only half full, like, what the heck?! I got this BIG bag for a reason!
I shook my head and started to eat the chips. After a while I gave the rest to Mabel and went outside. It was windy out and I almost lost my hat. I pushed through the wind letting out a small curse under my breath.
I walked into the forest, not really knowing why, but something told me to do so. I pushed tree branched out of the way and kicked pebbles. The wind kept getting stronger and louder, I looked back behind me to only see a quick glance of something. But it was too fast.

"What the...?" I turn back around and before I know it, a tree branch flew and it me hard in the face. I fell on the ground, slowly loosing conciousness...

********heyo!! Hope you like it so far! Hehe, sorry it taking a bit for Bill to show up, but don't worry! He'll show up in the next chapter. ^-^ Stay awesome!***********

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