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****hey guys! I decided to cosplay Bill Cipher :3*******

****Dipper's POV****

"Pine tree....." There was then a familiar voice behind me. As I felt like I had more control over my actions I quickly grabbed all 3 journals and ran out of the room not daring to look back once. I locked my door behind me and got on my bed hiding the journals.

"Dipper!! Open this door now!" He started to bang on the door waking up my sister. She looked sleepy at first, but once the voice came back and the banging she jumped onto the bed with me quickly grabbing my hand for comfort.

"Open the door... it's me, Ford." He then said.

"Bill I know it's you!" I yelled out.

"Why would you think that? I saw what you did down there!! And I want to know why?! I PACIFICALLY TOLD YOU NOT TO READ THAT NOTE OUT LOUD!!! Now let me in!"

"You called me Pinetree! How should I trust you!" I yell out at him. There's then a silence from the other side and then a sigh. I heard him back away from the door some and I thought he was going to leave.

"Trust no one..huh? Guess I've taught you one thing." He then left without saying another word. I let out a sigh of relief and looked over to Mabel.

"Wh-what happened?" Mabel asked. I ran a hand through my hair shaking my head.

"I have no clue. All I was doing was reading the journals more and then my body just wouldn't obey me. It was like someone was inside me, like...controlling me. And then I heard something and I got my actions back and I ran in here. I was so scared, I thought it was Bill." I explained to my sister. She looked at me in terror, holding my hand more hard. She then looked down and I saw her eyes widen and she almost screamed.

"Mabel what the h-" I was then interrupted as I looked down to see my arm with all the markings start to glow red. I fell off my bed and covered my mouth trying not to yell. I gulped and stared at the bright glowing red mark.

"Dipper.... What did you do? Does Bill have to do anything with this?" Mabel asked. I kept staring at it and it eventually went to normal.

"I don't know. Although I wish I knew, and I hate to say it, but Bill might be coming back. And maybe even stronger than brefore." I told my sister. I told her that we should probably go to bed and worry about this later. So I turned off my lamp without thinking. And for some reason it didn't do anything weird like last time. I turned on my side to face the wall and looked at my arm to see the mark was glowing a faint yellow.


"Dipper? C'mon and let me out.I gave you that on your arm juat for this, so why hesitate? Why won't you use it..?" I heard Bill say. He sat in a lonely dark corner and I kept my distance from him.

"I'm not using it. Maybe never. I don't want to cause destruction like you did and I'm not going to lose anyone! You can, but not me! I'll be the one fighting you off and protecting my family!" I yelled. There was then sounds of chains rattling. And then Bill was in front of me. He had what looked like a black straight jacket on and a thing covering his mouth. It was instantly burned off my his blue flames and he grabbed me by the shoulders. His eyes had turned red.

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