Chapter 5: The Chicken Shaman

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* Chicken Shaman pov? *

"Who dares to disturb the chicken shaman! Oh, it is just you, the terrible chicken house builder". I said with disappointment. "Heeyyyyy...chicken shaman, we were looking for New Meteli so we'll just be on our way, soooo....bye!". "Wait! , tell Cadenza I said hello, terrible house builder"."I Have a name you know...."."Yes you do....Aphmooo" then she cut me off saying "APHMAU". How rude of her to say that...


* Aphmau's pov *

We finally left that place but a few things happaned. Long story short, Yip ate some chickens and our trip was delayed by an hour. Anyways we finally, reached Meteli and I sent a Laurence a message through my amulet. They asked that we leave Yip at Meteli until Logan came to pick him up.

After Logan left me and Garroth carried off to Scaleswind. "Lady Aphmau it's getting dark, we should set up camp for the night"." Your right let's set up". We finished up and I went to sleep. Garroth said he would take night shift.

I woke up in the middle of the night to go for a small walk. I then found Garroth sitting near a tree. His blond hair waved through the air and his sword and armor shimmery through the moonlight. He then looked at me with his sky blue eyes. He got closer I froze.

Hey guys! Skip if you want but I just wanted to say sorry for the short ending in this chapter I didn't want to leak to much so I saved it for the next chapter. I try to keep all my chapters at least 300 words.  Any ways I hope your enjoying so far bye my coco's 💗

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