Chapter 8: Home

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* Aphmau's pov *

When I woke up I started to look for Garroth. I found him behind a bush looking at a rabbit. He raised his bow and arrow, and shot it. "Good aim" I said as I picked up the creature. "Good morning Lady Aphmau, sleep well?" He said holding a few raw fish.

"Yes actually, especially last night " I said, I could feel my cheeks getting red. "Good to hear that, I'll start a fire so we can eat, after that we'll be in Phoenix Drop before noon " he said looking at me. We ate our food and headed off.

"Lord Aphmau?"."Yes Garroth, is something wrong?"." No not at all, it's just these past two days were amazing and I just wanted to know if you....never mind forget I said anything". I wondered if he was talking about if I liked him or not.  While we walked I stepped on my tippy toes and pecked his cheek.

* Laurence's pov *

I was wondering when the two would get back so I decided to wait at the gates. "Hey Laurence! " said Cadenza coming through the gates. She had a cart loaded with cloth and a sewing machine. "Need help there?" I asked sarcastically, I could tell she was having trouble.

"Nope everything is JUST fine" we started to laugh, I then went down to help her. "I'm going to make dresses for the girls, so I need to start working, can you get all the lady's to my house in a bit?" She asked as we reached her front door. "Yes, but Lady Aphmau still hasn't returned".

" I know but I'll do her later, can you get all the others?"." Yeah, I'll be right back". I went to gather all the lady's, luckily they were all having a picnic in the forest while the men were working on the plaza. "Hello lady's, Cadenza wanted to see you guys for dress making". "They nodded their heads and headed to Cadenza's house with the children. I went back to the gates.

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