Chapter 1

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I was getting sick of hearing about it. Every corner of the street had a newspaper stand with stacks of papers with the same headline: ANOTHER DISAPPEARANCE IN NOWHERE. The Nowhere woods have been around since before I was born. There was -and still is today- so much conspiracy built around it. There have been suicides, sacrifices, car accidents where the car was never found, demonic rituals, there was even a conspiracy about a KKK group that hides in the woods. I have never believed any of it because they all sounded like scams. "Don't you ever get a little curious about what the paper has to say?" said Nicole walking beside me with her nose buried in the paper. Nicole is my best friend, who has a long history of depression and attempted suicide. I'm trying my best to help her... She is just hard to crack... "Ugh.. of course not... I stopped reading the papers three years ago... when every headline had to do with the woods." she kept reading as if she was hypnotized. "I've been in there before you know... " Nicole said. slowing down taking her eyes off of the paper. "I went in there with two other people.. my babysitter and her boyfriend." I stopped walking and looked at her. "How did that turn out?" She was silent. she looked back down at her paper and continued to walk faster. I won't poke at something she is sensitive about. "I'm hungry... you wanna eat?" I said to break the awkward silence. "I-I could eat... " Nicole stuttered. She started making herself appear smaller. She almost looked vulnerable. "Coffee?" I asked, she nodded and we made our way back down the sidewalk.

She started to stare blankly into her cup of coffee. She grabbed the handle of the cup tightly and brought it up to her mouth, her hand shaking. Nicole spilled her coffee just a little and quickly rushed for the napkins. "You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. I don't need to know." Nicole shook her head violently and stared at me with tears starting to form in her eyes. "No.. you deserve to know what happened.." She grabbed the menus and propped them up next to our heads so no one could see what we were talking about. "It was 9 years ago, my horrible babysitter Tabitha called her rutty skater boyfriend over to hang out. we were all sitting in the living room... He was talking about how his younger brother got lost in the woods trying to retrieve a frisbee..."

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