9 years ago (part 5)

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     Nicole turned her head to see Tabitha leaning against a tree, hurling and spewing vomit all over the forest floor. Marcus remained at her side and, with wide eyes, called for Tabitha to let her know Nicole came to.
      Tabitha turned, and as soon as she laid eyes on Nicole, she let out one final spew of vomit. She wiped her mouth on her sleeve and ran up to Nicole and knelt down next to the child.
     "Nicole! What the FUCK was that?! Did you have a stroke or some shit?! What happened?!"
     Nicole didn't know what to say... She averted her gaze and looked into the flickering flames of the fire. Tabitha snapped her fingers in front of Nicole's face to bring her attention back to reality.
      "Hello?! Earth to Nicole?! I'm talking to you, you little shit! What happened?!"
     Nicole just opened her mouth, but no noise came out. She just sat there on the cold dirt.

      The three returned to sit on the logs surrounding the fire. Marcus finally broke the silence.
      "I think we need to start searching again before-"
      His sentence was cut short by a blood-curdling screech deep in the forest. They all turned in shock, wondering if the source of the sound would be revealed. The sounds just started to grow worse. And then, something faint was heard in the silence between the horrific screams.
      "Marcus!! Please help me! I'm scared!"
     Marcus shot up from his seat and turned to where the sound was coming from.
      "That was Sam. Holy shit he's still alive! SAM! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
      The same echo of a little boy seeped out between the trees.
      "I'm over here! Please help me!"
     Marcus started to run towards the edge of the tree line- directly into the woods. Tabitha chased after him and grabbed his arm.
      "Marcus! What the fuck do you think you're doing?! You were JUST saying before we left all of the crazy shit that goes down in here! And now you are gonna run headfirst into a fucking death trap?!"
      Marcus jerked his arm back and turned to Tabitha. He put a finger to her face and spoke to her in such a way, it made Nicole shudder.
      "Listen, you drunken whore! I came in here to find Sammy. That's the only thing I give a shit about. Not you, not Nicky, not ANYTHING! And I'll be DAMMED if I let you scare me out of saving the ONE THING I care about! Get the hell away from me if you're gonna stop me. I'd rather DIE in these woods trying to save him, than live with the guilt and be stuck with a stupid, drunken, sloppy whore!"
      Marcus ran into the brush and his footsteps grew faint as he ran into the forest, yelling for his little brother. Tabitha grabbed Nicole, and ran into the woods after him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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