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What the? was it really her? it cant be? can it? oh my god. ive missed her so much. Its great to see her again. but she is gonna hate me! shit.


"L-louis?" she stuttered. she was as gobsmacked as i was.

"Why a-are you h-here?" she asked

"" i said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly "were your new neighbours"

"Do you guys know each other?" Niall asked confused


"No" we said at the same time. maisie was the one who said no. awks

"Used to. Nice seeing you goodbye" she tried to shut the door but i put my foot in the way

"What the hell do you want?" she was getting frustrated

"I already lost you once, im not gonna loose you again mais"

"dont call me that!" her outburst caught me off guard.

Then she shut the door in my face.


Why the fuck is he here? no! i just got over him! he cant be here! i need to get him away!!

I finally got the door shut and walked to the kitchen. I leant against the fridge and slid down it, collapsing to the ground.

I started crying my eyes out. Hysterically. This wasnt meant to happen. Why did he have to appear and ruin my life again? I can never trust him again

I started breathing really heavily. I was finding it really hard. Where the fuck did i put my inhaler? Oh shit.

Just then, the door opened and Sienna walked in.

"Hey maisi- oh my god are you okay? MAISIE?!"

I was now really struggling to breathe.

"Maisie wheres your inhaler?!" she went searching for it but couldnt find it.

"ill be right back i promise!" she said whilst running out the door.


I walked in to see Maisie finding it really hard to breathe.

"Maisie wheres your inhaler?!" i asked whilst frantically searching for it.

No where. Cant find it. SHIT! What do i do now?! Wait, a few minutes ago i saw 2 boys walk into a house next door, maybe they can help?

"ill be right back i promise" i said and rushed out the door.

I climbed the fence and started banging on the door

"help help!" i shouted

suddenly someone opened the door. A british boy, about average height with brown hair swooshed to the side.

Pretty hot if you ask me.

"woah whats going on?" he asked

"my friend! we live next door! please come help me"

i saw a tinge of worry flash in his eyes. i wonder why? he doesnt know mais does he? no. he cant.

we ran next door to find that maisie had moved from the kitchen to the living room,close to passing out.

we rushed to her side.

"Call an ambulance! Quick!"

a blonde boy went to call an ambulance, he was even irish! cute.

"whats happening? whats wrong?" a boy who said his name was louis asked.

"ever since her ex-best friend left for the u.k 3 years ago she has suffered depression, asthma and anxiety. her anxiety is really bad, she will have severe panic attacks. but ive never seen it as bad as this though. he must have been a real jerk"

And with that, maisie passed out...

Made to remember (Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now