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Its been a day since Maisie had the panic attack. Apparently it was the worst one she's had. After the guy, whos name i learned was Niall, called the ambulance Maisie was rushed to hospital. She had stopped breathing twice but right now she is stable.

I dont know what to do. Ive been sitting by her bedside all night, so has the boy, whos name I learned was Louis. He seems a cool guy.

So we found out that maisie has slipped into a coma. When will she wake up? Well no one knows. It could be days, weeks or evem months. I havent slept or eaten, all ive done is cry. The tears just keep flowing. Sometimes ill start sobbing and others just silent tears run down my face.

What if she never wakes up? What am i supposed to do without my best friend? I need her. Shut up sienna, of course she is gonna wake up. She isnt dead!

"Hey, im going to get a drink from the vending machine. You want anything?" Louis asked as he comfortingly placed a hand on my shoulder. He had been crying alot since the incident aswell.

He took it really hard. I see why though. Louis told me the story of how he was the boy who used to be best friends with Maisie.

If you ask me, I think she should hear him out and give him another chance. He seems really sincere and he isnt that bad of a guy.

I merely just shook my head at him, meaning no. I havent talked much either. Im too focused on Maisie.

He nodded and walked out the door.


Im taking this really hard. Its all my fault. I need her to come out of this coma soon. I cant stand it. I need to see her beautiful eyes again. She is just sitting in the hospital bed, lifeless and pale. I really want to earn her trust and get my best friend back.

If im honest, I still have feelings for her. I hope she hears me out and forgives me though. Sienna is a great girl from what ive learned. She is really close to Maisie, its like they are joined at the hip. She told me some storys about them both together. I told her my story about me and Maisie. Her opinion is that Maisie should hear me out and forgive me. I hope she does.

"Hey im going to get a drink from the vending machine. you want anything?" I asked Sienna as I placed my hand on her shoulder soothingly. She hasnt eaten, slept or even moved from that chair since we got here. She just sits holding her and crying. Im here to comfort her though, she needs it.

After a few seconds she just shook her head so I nodded and walked out. I decided to call the lads to update them.

"Hey Lou, any news?" Harry said through the phone.

"She has gone into a coma. I cant stand seeing her like this. I just want her to wake up!" I started tearing up as I said it.

"Aw sorry buddy. She will wake up soon though. Dont worry. Want one of us to come down there?" He sounded concerned.

"Nahh im alright mate. Sienna is here"

"Alright well someone has stolen Nialls food so I better go, he is gonna go on a rampage"

I laughed half heartedly "Alright cya hazza"

"Bye boobear" Then the line went dead.

I better get a drink and get back to Sienna then.

All I want is for Maisie to wake up...please!

(A/N follow my twitter  @VikkiLatimer.  I dont know if anyone is reading this fanfic but its my first so please tell people about it! Thankss!)

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