Sent Down or Set Free?

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*Maisie's POV*

I was pacing around the room, biting my nails nervously.

I was in the living room with everyone else. When I say everyone else, I mean Niall, Sienna, Leah, Vikki, Jaelyn, Zayn, Liam and Harry.

It's only about an hour until we have to go to court to see if Louis is sent down or set free. It's nerve-wracking.

"Stop pacing, your making me nervous" Vikki said

"I'm sorry but I am nervous too you know!" I snapped

Everyone looked at me shocked as Vikki bowed her head in shame. I sighed heavily before apologising to Vikki.

She lifted her head and said "No it's alright. I deserved it. I shouldn't have said anything" Then she bowed her head again as Zayn put his arm around her in a comforting way.

Then I looked at the clock and realised it was time to go. I bounded out the door before anyone could process it and jumped into the car, waiting for everyone else to hurry up.


"Maisie Carter, please make your way to the stand"

I obeyed the judge and walked up to the free stand. He told me to repeat after him, so that's what I did.

I placed my right hand on the bible and said "I swear to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing  but the truth"

The bible was then taken away and I was face to face with the judge.

I could see Louis in a box in the distance, tears brimming in his eyes. He had a pleading look on his face and in all honesty, he looked terrible and worn out.

I was taken from my thoughts when I heard the judge repeatedly calling my name

"I'm sorry your honour" I said gulping

She nodded before continuing to ask me questions. I answered them truthfully and told her everything I knew. I just hope it was enough. After a while I got told to go back to my seat and Jaelyn was called up.

She did the exact same as me, swearing on the bible and then focusing on Louis. He really did look helpless. It killed me inside.

Then the judge asked Jae about the night Jason died. What he did to her and how he threatened her. How Niall comforted her whilst Louis beat the shit into Jason. She told them everything she knew. She started crying halfway through. No wonder, I mean after what she had to go through. We have gotten so much closer since, we need to be there for each other.

She got told to come back to her seat, just like I did and she immediately came over to me and crushed me in a hug. I hugged her back, comforting her.

Then the judge spoke up "Time for a break so we can make our decision. You will be called back in shortly."

We did as we were told and left the court room. I immediately went to the door and rushed outside, sighing in satisfaction when the fresh air hit my face.

I needed air desperately, that's the worst and most scary thing I've ever done in my life, but I need to do it. For Louis.

Niall came up to me "You okay?" He asked wearily.

Niall and I have been close lately, he has become my best friend and my shoulder to cry on. He is the bestest friend I've ever had and Sienna is one lucky girl.

I nodded before taking deep breaths to calm myself down. He hugged me and assured me that everything would be okay.

A very important looking guy came out and told us the judge was ready for us. We all nodded and followed him inside. We were led to the same room as before and prepared ourselves for the verdict.

"All rise" The judge said.

We did as we were told and rose from our seats.

"We have come to a decision" She started, making a lump rise in my throat.

"Louis William Tomlinson you are found guilty on the charge of manslaughter through self defence" That's when my heart dropped "But you are free on parole. If you get any other charges or in trouble with the police you will be sent down"

My mouth dropped and a big grin was planted on my face. Louis' face lit up as he clicked what was happening. The door to the booth was opened and Louis walked down the steps until he was in view. He smiled at me before I ran towards him and into his arms. I started sobbing into his shoulder.

"Hey, hey shh, don't cry. I'm free!" He said looking me in the eyes, wiping my tears.

I nodded before hugging him once again.

This is the best news I've had in ages. And it's only just beginning...

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