Unexpected Visitor

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*Maisie's POV*

"You need to take your pills Mais. The doctor said you have to take them for a week" Jaelyn said shoving the pills and a glass of water in my direction.

I huffed before taking the pills and chugging them down, hoping to get better.

I have gotten really close to the girls recently. Jaelyn, Vikki and Leah are great girls and easy to get along with. I have nothing against them. They are really fun too.

It was only Jae and I in the house today as all the others had gone snowboarding for the day. I wasn't expecting any visitors either. So looks like it's just a relaxing day with my girl.

"Go grab the popcorn girlie" I said

Jaelyn smiled before jogging into the kitchen. I heard the microwave going off meaning it was ready. Then someone I heard next scared the shit out of me.

A scream.

But not just any scream.

A scream from Jae.

I stood up, panicked.

"JAELYN?" I shouted, cautiously walking to the kitchen.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed what was happening in the kitchen.

I was coming face to face with him once again. He doesn't give up does he?

In the kitchen, was Jason. He was holding Jaelyn's arms right up her back and a knife held lightly to her neck. A single movement and she would be dead.

Jason turned around when he heard me gasp.

"Oh there you are" He smirked

"Put the knife down Jason. Let her go" I said through gritted teeth.

He deeply chuckled, Jaelyn gulping cautiously.

"Get the fuck away from her" I said slowly approaching them

"One more step and she's dead" He said causing me to automatically stop in my tracks.

"What do you want?" I asked breathing heavily

"You" He said.

"That's all? Me?" I asked glaring at him.

"Yes, your mine and I want you back. I'll do a deal. Swap you. I'll let the girl go if you come with me" He said

I thought about it for a second. All I want is for Jae to be safe. I didn't want her to be brought into it. It's all my fault

"Fine" I said

Jaelyn automatically started shaking her head and pleading for me to change my mind. I was having none of it.

"Let her go and i'll come with you" I said

He chucked Jae across the room, making her hit her head pretty hard in the process. She was sobbing by now.

She tried to crawl over to me before I told her to stay put "Stay there Jae! Stay back!"

She obeyed and leaned against the wall, defeated.

Jason proceeded to come closer to me, the knife in his hand. I started to back away, trying to find a way out of this.

"C'mon baby. I don't bite" He winked.

I scoffed before picking up a chair as he lunged to me. I managed to get the chair infront of me as he sliced it open with the knife, just missing my stomach.

 We started to battle with the knife and chair. Me just trying to block him away.

I fell backwards and landed on the ground and I started backing away until I hit the wall

He deeply chucked and I knew there was no way out.

I squeezed my eyes shut and sucked in a deep breath, preparing myself for the impact.

Nothing. It never came.

I opened my eyes to see Louis and Jason wresting on the ground.

Wait, LOUIS?!

What is he doing here? I looked around the room to see Niall comforting Jaelyn.

I was brought back to realised when I heard a groan in pain. From Jason.

Wait what?!

I looked over at them and I gasped, eyes wide.

Jason was lying on the ground, clearly in pain.

But there was one thing I noticed.

He had the knife stabbed into his stomach and bleeding badly.

Louis was crouched next to him panting heavily, staring at his hands.

But there was one thing that was different.

His hands were covered in blood.

Louis had stabbed Jason

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