Ice Skating

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I woke up with a yawn and a stretch. 2nd say into this holiday and it's awesome already. I've met an amazing girl and been to the beach. What could be better? Well...

I looked at my night stand and found my phone flashing

*Jaelyn would like to FaceTime*  It read

I smiled before accepting the call. After a few minutes of connecting, I saw her beautiful face pop up on the screen. She didn't care what she looked like in the morning, which I love about her. She still manages to look stunning without make up on and bed hair, even though I could tell she had combed through it this morning. God i'm falling hard for this girl and I've know her for one night.

"Hello" she smiled

"Hello sleepy head" I joked back

We spoke for about half an hour before my stomach started rumbling signalling it was time to refuel.

"Sorry love but I gotta go get some breakfast. I'll see you later yeah?" I asked, hoping she would want to see me.

To my surprise her face lit up and she revealed a very happy "Yes"

I ended the call and walked downstairs, suddenly feeling happier than any other morning i'd had.

I walked into the kitchen to start making some toast when I noticed everyone was already up. Not like me to be the last pne.

It was like Louis read my mind as he said "Not like you to be the last one down Liam" he joked

"I was on FaceTime to Jaelyn" I said starting to daydream.

I was snapped out of my thought when I heard Louis say "Ooooo someone's in loooove"

I slapped his arm and denied it.

I sat down with my toast before Zayn started up a conversation.

"So what's the plan for today?" He asked

We all thought, throwing out some idea's which were pretty bad to be honest. Then something clicked in my brain and I said "How about ice skating? I know a rink near here and we could ask the girls to come with?" I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping they'd say yes so I could see Jaelyn again. I'm really falling hard for this girl.

"That's a great idea Liam. You go call your lover and organise it and get the other girls round and we'll head off at about 1pm?"

"Sure" I said with a chirpy voice before I rushed up the stairs to call Jaelyn to tell her the news.


"Well we can't all fit into the one car" Moaned Maisie as we were standing out on the road, trying to get everyone into my car. Not working.

"Louis mate, were gonna have to get you to drive the other car whilst I drive this one" I said

He huffed before trudging over to get the other car and driving it over to the kerb where the others could get in.

In my car was Sienna, Niall, Maisie, Zayn and I. In the other was Louis, Harry, Vikki, Leah and Jaelyn.

It was just a 30 minute drive to the ice rink, with Louis in tow.

I pulled up and searched for a parking space before I found 2 near the back.

We all got out of the cars, made sure everyone was there and walking in the rink to begin our day out.



I heard someone fall and looked around me to see Jaelyn was on her butt on the ice. I just laughed as she looked so funny. I calmed down after she said a very sarcastic "HA. HA."

I went over and helped her up, taking her hands in mine and guiding her around the rink.

I had been skating before while Jaelyn hadn't.

We skated around the rink once, with no stumbles. It was all going good before some lunatic decided to skate right into Jae and knock her over!

"Oi! Watch where your going mate" I shouted to the guy before he skated off without a care in the world.

I helped her up and asked if she was okay

"Just bumped my head, that's all. I'm sure i'll be fine" She said trying to give me a reassuring smile.

I brushed it off and helped her skate around again.

I suddenly tripped over my foot and fell, taking Jaelyn with me as I was holding her hands.

I landed on top of her, with my hand on either side of her hands, trying to support myself so I didn't put y full weight on her.

"Your falling a lot today, aren't you?" I joked

She didn't answer, she just stared deeply into my eyes, like she was trying to read my soul. I only just realised how beautiful her eyes really were. With her mascara making her eyelashes look longer and more volumised. How the blue has a tinge of green in it. How her pupils dilate when she is feeling different emotions.

We must have been like that for a while because as I was about to lean in, we heard someone woof whistle, making me snap my head in the direction to see Maisie and Louis laughing at us. I blushed a deep red before getting up and helping Jaelyn up too.


We skated around abit more, making idle chit chat but always having that awkwardness lingering in the air. I decided to put and end to it as it was slowing making me ache inside.

I stopped skating, making Jae come to a halt aswell as she turned to look at me confused.

"Jae, I know we haven't known each other that long but I've been wanting to do this since I met you"

I suddenly crashed my lips to hers, starting off gentle before she started to kiss back, This wasn't like any of the other kisses I've had. This was different. It was better. The best.

It wasn't rushed or rough, it was soothing and gentle, like if I did anything differently. I'd break her.

I pulled away, panting for breath and looked into her eyes.

"Wow " was all she said, And that's all it took me to ask her the one question I needed to.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. Wow. Cliché much.

She hesitated a bit, which got me worrying.

But to my relief she replied with "Of course Liam" before she crashed her lips to mine once again.

It's fair to say, I've never been happier.


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