Chapter 24

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Pete P.O.V.

After I dropped Patrick off at his old place, I went back to my house to get Bronx. He was going to Ashlee's today.

As I was buckling him into the car, he looked at me and asked, "Is Uncle Patrick okay?"

The truth was, I didn't exactly know the answer. Physically, he was okay. His arm was getting better. The doctor did say he would be able to move it soon. And we were working on his weight. I was trying to get him to eat a little more and making sure he took his pills.

But after Elisa left, he slipped into his depression. Those lyrics for that song from a couple days ago, they were pretty real. I don't think I've seen him write like that before. At least he's writing it out instead of doing something else with his depression.

I got into the driver's seat and started driving. "Okay, Bronxy, I'm going to be straight with you. Physically, like his health and body, he's definitely getting better. You know, the doctor said his arm will be back to normal soon."

"That's good, right?" his innocent voice asked.

"Yeah, that's actually awesome news. It means he'll be able to play guitar and we can tour again soon."

I gripped the steering wheel tightly. "But, well, okay... you remember how I was when your mom and I split up?"

He nodded, looking a little scared.

"Well, you could say he's like that now. Aunt Elisa and him are having... problems."

"Is he gonna split up like you and Mommy? I don't want Aunt Elisa to leave. I don't want Uncle Patrick to be sad like you were," he said, looking up at me with big brown eyes, much like my own.

I sighed. "I don't know, Bronxy. Hopefully, he will be okay. We'll help him," I told him, pulling into Ashlee's driveway.

"Oh! Can we make him cookies? Those always make me happier," he said, grinning.

I chuckled. "Sure, buddy. Now come on. Wanna go see Mommy?"

He nodded and stepped out of the car. Just then, my cell phone rang.

"Hey, Bronx," he looked back, "wait a second." I called. He stopped in front of the car, backpack slung over his shoulder.

I looked at the small screen and saw Patrick's name. Was he ready to be picked up? That was quick.

"Hey, 'Trick. Done already?" I said, putting the phone up to my ear.

I heard a shaky breath from the other end. That can't be good. "No..uhh... not exactly," he said. His voice sounded scared and broken.

"Dude, what happened? Need to be picked up?" I asked, stepping out of the car.

I heard a child's shout from the other end. "I don't know what happened. We were just talking and she..." he drifted off.

"'Tricky, what is it?" I said, scared of the answer.

I heard another shaky breath. It sounded like he had been crying. "She...just collapsed. She looked like she was in so much pain. I...I called an ambulance. They took her to the hospital. That's where I am now. Can... can you come pick up Dec? He keeps asking for her and I...I..."

He sounded so broken, like every word he said hurt. God, what did he do to piss the world off? He's the sweetest little dude. He doesn't deserve this.

"Holy shit, man, yeah. I'm just dropping Bronx off now. I'll be there as soon as possible. Need me to pick anything up from the house?" I said, grabbing Bronx's hand and guiding him to the house.

"No, just pick up Declan. I'm waiting to hear from the doctors," his small voice drifted from the line.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon. Stay strong, little man," I said.

"I'm trying, Pete," he said, then the call ended.

"Was that Uncle Patrick? Is he okay?" Bronx asked as I knocked on the door quickly.

I shook my head. "I'm gonna go find out. I'll see you soon, dude."

Ashlee opened the door and Bronx stepped in, telling her a happy hello.

"Hey, Ashlee, I would hang, but something happened to Patrick. I gotta go. I'm sorry," I said, already backing away.

She nodded. "Sure, Pete. Hope he's okay," she responded.

I mumbled a quick thank you, than dashed to the car. I quickly backed out of the driveway then sped down the road.

I'm surprised I didn't crash. The only thing on my mind was Patrick. I dodged cars and ran a few red lights.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and got infuriated when I couldn't find a parking space. Finally, I came upon an empty space at the end of a row. I jumped out of the car, jamming the lock button and stuffing the keys in my pocket.

I fast-walked to the hospital door leading to the emergency room. I stepped in and looked for Patrick. I saw his familiar strawberry blond hair. His arm was around Declan.

Declan looked like he had been throwing a fit. His cheeks were red and there were tear tracks falling from his eyes.

Patrick looked like a wreck. His hair was all over and his jacket was falling off one shoulder. I saw a scratch on his cheek from where Declan must've scratched him.

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He jumped, but his eyes warmed up when he saw me. "Pete," his small, weak voice said.

He stood up, still holding Declan, and leaned into me. His other arm didn't wrap around me, but I knew he needed a hug. I wrapped both my arms around him and hugged tight.

He pulled away after a moment and said, "Thanks for getting Declan. I'm still waiting to hear from the doctors."

I took Declan from his arms. Declan started screaming, "Mama! Mama!"

I looked around. People were staring. I grabbed Patrick's arm and dragged him outside. We stood outside the door as I rocked Declan, trying to calm him as I would Saint. Patrick leaned against the wall, his hand over his eyes.

"Patrick, what the hell happened?" I said, trying to be heard over Declan's screaming.

He shook his head. Poor guy looked like he could burst into tears at any second. "I don't know. I told you everything I know. We were just talking and she collapsed. Dude, she was in so much pain. It hurt to see her like that. It made me realize... Pete, I love her. I can't let her go, no matter how much she hurt me. I think I fell in love again."

leave me some feedback in the comments! should i continue? should i give up writing and throw myself down a well? let me know!

i hope you guys see what im doing with the lyrics. im trying to have ab/ap slowly being developed and written. you picking up what im putting down?

also, this is my last week of school! i have finals all this week so no updates until im finished :( but after that, hopefully i'll be able to update way more often :)

okay, that's it! love you all and thanks for reading <3


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