Chapter 28

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*cue extremely fluffy chapter*


Patrick P.O.V.

"So, baby, what's wrong with me?" Elisa said, looking at me with her big brown eyes that could melt chocolate. 

I took a deep breath. She didn't like that. "Is it that bad?" she asked, her voice dripping fear like the IV next to her.

I quickly shook my head. "No, it's just...uhh... I'll just tell you. Promise you won't hate me?"

She nodded, skeptical of what was about to come. 

"Well, it's something called stress-induced cardiomyopathy. Big words, I know. Or broken heart syndrome. Babe, it's caused by stress. I did this, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault," I finished, looking at her for some sign of emotion. 

"Aww, 'Tricky, it's not your fault. It's my bodies fault," she said, squeezing my hand. 

I knew it was my fault, but I didn't want to argue with her. We had just gotten back together. I'm not doing anything to ruin it. 

I smiled and nodded. "Anyway, you should be fine in a couple days. It's nothing to worry about. Nothing you can't handle, Lis," I said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I kissed Elisa's hand before getting up and opening the door. Pete stood there, looking worried. I smiled at him and greeted, "Come in. She's great."

He nodded before stepping in the room. He sat in a chair at the foot of her bed. I grabbed Elisa's hand again, not wanting to let her go. 

"Have you texted the others?" I asked, looking at Pete. 

He shook his head. "I wanted to make sure both of you were okay before telling anyone. Want me to text them now?"

I turned to Elisa. "You okay with that?" I questioned. 

She nodded. "Yeah, go for it. Go ahead and tell them me and Patrick are back together as well," she said while kissing my hand. 

I smiled at her and twisted her wedding ring on her finger. Our hands moved together and our rings make a clinging sound. She giggled, as did I. 

Pete looked surprised. "So, you two are good?" he said while taking out his phone. 

We nodded, never taking our eyes off each other. God, I'm so in love. 


Pete P.O.V.

I'm so happy for Patrick and Elisa. This is the most I've seen Patrick smile since the fire. I could swear he slept with a hanger in his mouth, his smile is so wide. He can't keep his eyes off her, either. His eyes are fucking twinkling.

Elisa is very much the same. Despite her being in a hospital bed, she's grinning like the Cheshire Cat and she seems to be glowing. Those two are just so radiating happiness. This is what Patrick needed. This morning, he was sobbing, saying he was worthless and pathetic. Now, he could be standing in the middle of a hurricane, but he would still he smiling as long as Elisa was at his side. 

I sent a group text to Joe and Andy. 

Elisa's in the hospital. She's good, though. She'll be fine in a few days. Also, she and Patrick are back together. They're happy as can be. Come on down, if you want. 

I sent them the address of the hospital and the room number. 

They both said they would be on their way soon. I turned back to Patrick and Elisa. They were whispering to each other and giggling. They both look so carefree and untroubled. 

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