Not Even Death Can Tear Us Apart.

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Abby Pov: My life its not really bad, i have a boyfriend that is hot and sweet but sometimes he just leaves me angry, somtimes i dont trust him, i hear him being on parties which sometimes i dont even know about it, being stupid by trying to filrt with the girls and i dont like it, and he is always trying to say sorry and all that, like right now i can see him from far surrounded by girls, i am use to it, i cant break up with him because i love him alot, when he sees me with other guys he goes mad, and i love it making him mad just makes him look hotter.

Ace Pov: I love parties, everyone likes me speacially girls, but i love Abby so much, she is my girlfriend and my only one, is true i can control most of the times around girls but i would never cheat on Abby, never. She is dam hot, her brown eyes just makes me go crazy, her smile cant stand not seing, so i hate when guys try to be funny around her, she is mine, dont want her to fall for no one else, speaking of her i realise she is out of the door, i decided following her :

Ace: hey hunny where you going?!

Abby: home!

Ace: walking?

Abby: yes

Ace: dont be stupid, i will take u by car

Abby: oh i am stupid cool, i dont want too

Ace: Abby... is dangerous walking at this time lets go by car

Abby: oh mr player is scared 

Ace: you know its not true... i am scared of losing you ..

There was no answer from her, i knew those words touched her heart and she knew it i was telling the truth, i went to keep up with her, she just looked down not even taking a glare at me, we walked around 10 minutes in silence, it was a pain...

Ace: hey babe, i am sorry, for real

Abby: you always say that... i cant take anymore Ace

Ace: you are not going to break up with me Abby, i wont let you, i am sorry, i will change, but u are mine babe forgive me 

I tried to keep up with her but then i had to stop for a few seconds because of my shoes laces, when i looked up, she was totally gone, no way she runned so fast and without me noticing, i decided to run, to see if i could catch her up, when i saw what was happening, i was in shock, Abby was stuck in a tree with a nail through her hands doing the job and i saw a guy what seming sucking her neck, no way i would let he do that to my girlfriend, i went running and kicked the hell of his head..

Ace: you PSYCHO

He stood up and looked perfectly fine, i realised he had fangs, he smiled and started to fight with me, he wasnt a good fighter at all, i was beating the hell of him till someone pushed me and i drop with my face on the floor, when i turned i just know a girl punched me and cut my wrist and called the other guy and i saw him joining my blood with his, what the hell was happening? One thing i knew it... i was going to die....i looked towards where Abby was, she looked so pale, it hurted seing her blood running throught her arms and droping on the floor, i wanted to  help and save her, both  of the guy and girl looked at me and the girl stated :

Girl: She might not survive

I looked at her in pain and spit at her face, she looked in shock, and slapped me..

Ace: not even death can tear us apart. i will always love her, even she is dead, i will try to get away to revenge her, DEATH want take her away from. me.

They both looked at me in shock, but i couldnt stand, peace me beloved one, Abby.... i started crying ... maybe if i wasnt a idiot ... this wouldnt happen today, she will be still standing next to me.... love you Abby.. my vision went dark...

Abby Pov: my head hurts.... i opened my eyes and i was what it seemed a hospital i realised what happened to me, some guy tried to bite my neck, was he psycho? the he made me stuck to a tree with a big nail throught my both hands, it hurted like hell, then i just blaked out... but what happened to Ace? omg! I stood up from the medical bed and Ace mates stopped me, and looked pale i asked them where he was day pointed at the room next to mine i runned and started walking in slowly, afraid of what happened,  a doctor was blocking my view..

Doctor:  he lost alot of blood... i am afraid he didnt make it ...

The doctor seemed weird, but i didnt have time to be wondering about it, he moved away from me and i saw my beautiful guy, Ace looked so pale than he already was, i use to joke around how he looked like a vampire and he didnt like that much, but was time to be back at reality, he was dead, was all my fault, if i didnt decide to walk, if i just accepted to go by car, i started tearing up, to the point i started screaming, the doctor that talked to me before looked shocked, i could not stop hitting stuff, i screamed Ace name many times, people tried to hold me, but was a fight, he promissed he would never leave me... he lied... he didnt even say goodbye, i didnt even forgived him.,... i laid on the floor and started crying, my life was ruined... was all my fault..

Doctor Pov:

That girl seriously liked him, thank god no one realised a intruder, my name is Dane and i am the one that helps prince vampires after they leave their human life, many of us borned humans, but we always meant to be vampires, it can be see in personalities speacially, this guy that i am just going to take care now Ace, it seems a brave guy, poor him and his girlfriend, it seems she hell loved him, but she would no longer see him, i picked up his body and runned full seeped to our mansion... everyone was waiting for him, now he just had to wake and take some blood in...

Anne: that guy is back, i was sure he was a prince, he was so brave to fight with Lance, he had passion for that girl, thats what many princes are known for, their ability to love someone so deeply. I hope he wont hate me, but his mentallity might change, he might stop liking her right? I watched him carefully, he looked awesome, but wasnt for me... everyone just started drinking happily to the fact that  we found another prince vampire, but which kingdom was his? we had 4 princes now incluiding him, vampire princes, where the most powerful of all of us, making rules to keep us have harmony with humans, but is a long story, so now we are just trying to get our communities back, but the dhampires which are half human and half vampire and not happy, because they say we made them abnormal meaning we should not exist  but really others are just not happy because they wanted to be a full vampires, but their blood doesnt help, there is really alot of reasons.... i wonder what happened to that girl... 

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