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Percy was feeling extremely confused. Annabeth said that that wasn't exactly a new feeling for him, but still, it was more than his usual confused. Did that make any sense? Probably not. "Percy! Percy!" Somebody's voice yelled out. Percy turned around. He smirked, Annabeth was running towards him, something tucked under her arm, and Bob running behind her?

"Percy, guess what! I got my laptop back, thanks to Bob!" she yelled right in his ear. "You ran all the way here to tell me that you got a computer?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow. "Percy, it's not only a computer, it's .." "Hey guys, guess WHAT!" Thalia's voice interrupted Annabeth before she could finish. "OK, Thalia, I get that you're excited and all , but could you not YELL IN MY EARS?" Percy shouted at her. Thalia glared at him, before smiling in a un-Thalia-like way at Annabeth. "Luke's back, oh and Chuck. But Luke!" Thalia squealed.

"OK, either the world is ending, or I am just hallucinating, because Thalia just squealed." Percy said. "Shut up Kelp Head, I am serious. Follow me!" Thalia replied, already running back towards where she came from. "Yes, let's follow the psychotic girl who thinks that a guy came back from the dead!" Percy said. But Annabeth was already running after Thalia. I guess I better go after them, Percy thought. He sighed.

Of course, he first decided to make some precautions. "Piper?" He called. "Hmm?" "Is it bad that Thalia's a hunter and she's smiling at Annabeth and squealing over Luke?" "LUKE?" "I know, right?" "Okay, no, because from what I heard Annabeth used to have a crush on Luke, but now only thinks of him as a brother," Piper said. "Such a sad set back on the Love Chain. The Sibling Zone is even more of a sad, loveless prison than The Friend Zone," Drew chipped in. "Okaaaay...uh...I'll go see what this 'Luke' fiasco is about," Percy backed out of the Aphrodite cabin.

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