Chapter 7

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Peyton' POV

I entered the Sanchez's home to hear Natasha in the kitchen saying, "He's got raging family problems and he is on the rebound."

"His brother is hot." I said with a grin as I jumped and sat on top of their kitchen island.

"Kind of." Tasha said.

"Well, I think that Stefan shouldn't be using you to get over his ex." I told her with obvious distaste towards the green eyed boy.

"Your just saying that because you don't like him!" She said.

"I don't trust him! He is hiding something! Something that'll hurt you!!! I can tell!!!!" I said.

They sat in silence and then Tasha's mom spoke up.

"I think you should give this boy a shot. I haven't seen you this vocal in a long time." She smiled at her daughter.

I rolled my eyes, can't they see he is bad news!!! I hopped off the counter and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Tasha.

"To get ready for the comet tonight!" I shouted back as I closed their front door behind me.

I walked to my house and up to my room. I opened my closet and laid out a few different outfits. After debating for about 30 minutes I choose a dark green top with some tight white jeans and a pair of green heals. Before getting dressed I took a quick shower and stiles my hair in a mass of curls that framed my face perfectly. Then I did my make up and after that I decided to paint my nails a shimmering green the got darker as it reached the top

 Then I did my make up and after that I decided to paint my nails a shimmering green the got darker as it reached the top

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After I got dressed and was ready I decided to head back over to Tasha's house.

As I entered Miguel came downstairs and pasted a grin on his face and wolf whistled.

"Looking good Peyton." He smirked trying to act cool and my age.

I grinned and said, "Thanks Miguel ."

"When are you gonna let me take you out?" He asked.

I sighed, again with him asking me out!, "When you aren't 2 and a half years younger than me." I told him.

"One day you'll say yes to me." He told me confidently.

"Whatever you want to believe." I said.

We both laughed, he knew I'd never date him but it gives us a good laugh for him to ask.

Natasha then came down the stairs.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she said as she messed with her shirt. She was in jeans with black heals and a black shirt that went around her arms.

 She was in jeans with black heals and a black shirt that went around her arms

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"You look great." I told her and she immediately stopped fussing.

"Thank you," she said with a breathe of relief, she looked at me and said, "you look beautiful."

"Thanks." I smiled at my best friend.

We then got into Tasha's car and drove to the grill. Once we got to the grill it was packed. Luckily we found Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, and Matt hanging out in the center of the town center field. We walked over and we all said our hellos.

I noticed Natasha laughing at something Bonnie said to her, it's nice to see her happy again. I looked up and watched the comet, when I looked back towards Natasha she was talking to Stefan. Probably about what Damon told us.

Later we all went to the grill and sat together while eating some fries and nachos. Suddenly Jeremy came over, Elena's little brother, he asked us where Vicki was. Then Tyler and him started fighting... Can anyone say Love triangle!!!

We all split up to look for her. Tasha and I took the back alley and the rest of the grill. "So what were you and Hero hair talking about?" I asked with a grin.

"Nothing." She told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't lie to me Tasha."

"I know you hate him so I won't talk to you about him!" She exclaimed with what looked to be sadness in her eyes.

Damn it... Once again I did harm while trying to prevent it...

"Okay, I'll start tolerating him," I grumbled, when Tasha grinned I asked her, "so what happened?"

She frowned and sighed then told me, "It won't work, he has his ex and brother and I can barely talk to him and I've got my own baggage and its just not a good time. At least I tried."

I know I'm going to regret this, "Sounds like excuses," I said, "your finally in a good place Tasha. It's okay to be happy again."

She looked guilty.

"He'd want you to live your life to the absolute fullest." I told her, and took a deep breathe as I added, "and if that includes Stefan, then I support you and your dad would too."

I looked over to see Tasha frozen looking at me with a smile and tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry please!" I groaned as her tears started to fall and she hugged me.

"Thank you," she sobbed, "that's exactly what I needed to hear."

"I know," I said as I stroked her hair and rubbed her back, "it's what best friends are for."

"I'm gonna go, think about everything. Do you need a ride home?" She asked me.

I looked at the sky and saw the moon and stars and comet.

"Actually, I think I'll walk home." I said with a small smile.

We went our separate ways, Tasha to her car and me towards home. As I walked my eyes barely left the sky. With my concentration above me I didn't see or feel the eyes on me from the trees. The bright blue eyes that admittedly have been stuck in my head along with the toned body that goes with them.

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