Chapter 8

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Damon's POV

Last night I watched Peyton walk home. I don't know why but I felt like I had to make sure she got home safely. Once she entered her house I sped back to the grill. As I got there Caroline was leaving. She will be my little distraction. I haven't been able to get Peyton off my mind. Hopefully using Caroline will help. Last night I seduced her which wasn't difficult at all. Then as I was with all I could think about was Peyton. Being with Peyton talking with Peyton biting Peyton. So I fed off her. Now she's trying to sneak away from me and it's quiet amusing. I quickly sped out of bed and behind her. She gasped when she felt my presence. She turned and started to shake in fear. She backed up towards the bed and bumped into her night stand. She grabbed the lamp off of it.

"Don't do that." I warned.

She hit me across the face with it. Then rolled to the otherwise of the bed and throw things at me as I warned her not to. She ran for the door and I threw her on the bed. She threw her pillow at me.

"Get away from me!" She yelled.

"This could've gone a totally different way." I joked with a smirk.

I turned the pillow over in my hands and noticed that her blood was still on it. I brought it to my face and then camped out and bit her again as she screamed.

Natasha's POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I can't wait to tell Peyton all about last night! I kissed Stefan!!! He kissed me!!!! We kissed!!!! It was amazing! I haven't been so happy in a very long time. I don't think anything can change this. I got out of bed and went to my closet. Once I picked out my outfit for today I ran to next door. I barged into Jess' room to see her finishing her make up while still in just a red lace bra and matching panties. We don't exactly shy away from each other like this because we've known eachother for years. Peyton looked over at me as she finished her mascara.

"Nice outfit. Who you trying to impress?" She complimented and asked me.

I looked down at my black skirt, gold belt, pink top, black jacket, and gold accessories including my gold heels and blushed. I did go a little over the top today. But I want to look amazing for Stefan.

"Stefan and I kissed last night!" I squealed

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"Stefan and I kissed last night!" I squealed.

I could tell that Peyton was trying to be excited for me but she still doesn't like him. I need to figure out how to improve their relationship.

Peyton went to her closet and dressed in a black shirt that wrapped around her neck and shoulders. Then she put on a pair of jeans and heeled.

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