Chapter 1

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Tamlin's sparkling green eyes met mine "welcome home" he said, softly, lovingly, as if I had not shattered completely the last time I had been here. The manor house loomed around me, so different from the openness of the house of winds, or the cosy, homely feeling of the town house in Velaris.

I forced myself to smile, trying to let it reach my eyes "home", I said, a little out of breath. Tamlin obviously interpreted that as me being filled with emotion. He was not wrong I guess, it was just not the emotion he expected. The fire within me started crackling under my skin as I walked into the hall where I had been left broken.

Lucien's cunning russet eye studied me, and as I looked at him, forcing a smile on my face, his back stiffened. I would deal with him later. For now, I had to play my part perfectly. The distressed damsel, returning to safety.

I felt Tamlin's touch on my back, as he gently led me into the study. The faint smell of cedar and greens that I once found comforting, now grated in my nostrils, so different from the salt and citrus smell of my mate. Rhys. My mind ached, stretching beyond the vastness that the broken bargain had left in my mind, towards the bond that no one could break. I felt a slight pull inside my mind, and then a soothing caress of darkness against the bond buried deep within me. I would be okay. We would be okay.

"Feyre, you are safe. You are home." Tamlin spoke in a calm, worried voice. I realised that I hadn't relaxed my shoulders since entering the house, the memories of my former prison still lingering in my mind.

"I – I'm sorry." I whispered, with a broken voice. "Don't." Tamlin almost growled "don't ever apologise for what that.. what they did." I realised that he thought I was apologising for leaving. Arrogant bastard. My temper flared for a second, and I could sense shadow and darkness forming in the corners of the bright room. I calmed myself – breathe.

I looked around the study, noticing the change in furniture, the new panels on the walls and the polished floor. "What happened" I looked at Tamlin, already knowing the answer. "Feyre, I – I couldn't control it. You were gone. Taken from me, from my own home." His breathing caught a bit as his green eyes filled with despair and rage. "You were gone." He buried his head in my lap, clinging to me as if I was his salvation. I swallowed hard, trying to push away feelings of disgust and of pure hatred as I hesitated for a fracture of a second, before stroking his golden hair. Lucien coughed and I looked to where he stood, leaning against the wall, watching my every move. He had seen my hesitation, seen the flicker of temper in my eyes. His metal eye rotated slightly, his russet one focusing solely on me, scrutinising my every move, as if he expected me to pull out an illyrian blade right here and now.

Tamlin stiffened at Lucien's cough, snarling at him "What?". Lucien cringed a bit, still keeping a watchful eye on me, on what he deemed the most threatening thing in this room, I realised. "Maybe Feyre would like to tell us what happened." Lucien said in a controlled, cold voice, so different than that of the concerned friend he had been before my departure. Tamlin rose, hearing the edge in Lucien's voice "Leave." Tamlin said in a low, stern voice. "I think we all need an explanation, don't you Feyre?" He said my name with a tone of disdain, that Tamlin noticed as well. "I said: leave." Tamlin's voice had grown dark, a high lord, issuing an order to his subject. Lucien shrugged and walked out, his metal eye casting a last glance at me.

I was relieved. Dealing with Lucien right now, was more than my raw emotions could handle. As Tamlin turned towards me however, I started wishing for Lucien to come back. He had been a shield against Tamlin getting too close. I watched as those green eyes began to smoulder, as he took me in, his eyes raving all over my body. I was furious.

"I missed you" he said in that primal voice that would have left me weak-kneed a year ago. I couldn't handle this. Not now. Just this morning, I had woken in the arms of Rhysand, as the new high lady of the night court, and now, not twelve hours later, I was back in the house of my oppressor. I looked at Tamlin, traitor, liar "I know." I whispered, as I carefully twisted towards him and fake fainted. I felt him catch me, calling my name.

As he lowered me to the rug, I let my eyes flutter open, seeing his face close, too close. His eyes, full of concern traced my body for any hidden injuries. I smiled weakly at him. "Sorry. It has been an eventful day." I said, letting my voice dwindle to a whisper. He smiled at me. Actually smiled and stroked my hair. "It is fine, my love, you need rest." He looked at me with such tenderness that I almost exploded. Almost. I had to play this part, and if his concern for my well-being kept him out of my bed, at least for a little while, I could be as weak and trembling as a lamb.

He carried me to my chambers, put me to bed and started to walk out. "You know, I meant what I said." I put a fracture of strength into my voice. "I want to be a part of it. Don't shut me out. Please" How I hated that word. Hated how I had used time and again in the past, to no avail. He looked at me. "I know, We will find a way. You will be avenged and we will get your sisters back." I smiled weakly at him and he walked out, shutting the door, taking the light of the room with him. The darkness that surrounded me was a comfort and I went into my mind, stroking my fingertips against that adamant wall that lay deep within me, sending all my love and lust directly towards my mate.

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