Chapter 10

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Time seemed to slow as I watched Tamlin throw himself at Lucien, with everything he had. His sharp teeth gleamed in the soft light pouring in from the huge windows. The bright light of day had given way to the twilight of the evening and shadows seemed to gather in every corner of the world. I had seen Tamlin's temper flare before – had seen his power burst through the room, but I still felt true terror in my core. I tried to force my body to react – to do something, but I was frozen in place.

Lucien, nimble as a fox, dodged the first attack, moving so fast that even my fae eyes had difficulties following the movement. Tamlin adjusted his attack instantly and this time, Lucien did not have time to dodge it. Instead he blocked the attack with his left arm and blood sprayed as Tamlin's claws ripped into his skin. Lucien flinched, losing his focus for a second, but it was enough. Tamlin's right paw collided with Lucien's jaw with incredible accuracy. I heard the sound of bones crunching as the power of the punch caused Lucien to slam against the wall, across the room.
I watched in horror as Tamlin stalked to him, his beast form trembling with whatever raging emotions he felt. Lucien was up in an instant, clutching his now bleeding arm. His eyes were filled with burning defiance as he took a defensive position I knew all too well. He would stand his ground.

Tamlin read it too, and he let out an earthshattering roar, the sound travelling along my skin, into my bones. Lucien dodged another attack with a swiftness and skill that surprised me. I had never really seen him fight, and even though he was not nearly as powerful and lethal as the males of my own court, his speed was impressive.

My mind circled around a long buried memory of a time when I had triggered the same anger in Tamlin as I felt right now. I couldn't allow this to go on. Couldn't allow those memories to gain a foothold in my mind.

"Please." I heard myself whisper. "Please, stop." Lucien shot me a quick glance, but it cost him. Tamlin threw him to the ground and pressed his long, sharp claws into his chest.

"You will do as I command." The beast growled as the claws dug into Lucien's flesh, drawing blood.

Lucien struggled against powerful body pinning him to the floor and spat "I will not leave her. I cannot lose her. Not again." The pain in his voice hit me deeper than any physical blow. He had lost his faerie love all those years ago and I knew that another loss like it, the loss of Elain, would crush him. "I have to get her back."

Tamlin snarled, his sharp teeth now mere inches from Lucien's face. "You will obey the orders of your high lord."

I knew his answer before he spoke it. Knew the fire burning in his veins, the desperate fight for Elain. For his mate. He would give everything for her.

"No." Lucien answered, his voice cold and devoid of feeling. "Not this time."

I saw a flash of pain in Tamlin's fae eyes, before they were filled with anger and rage so deep that I wanted to run for my life and never look back.

He let out another roar, digging the claws in so deep, that Lucien gasped in pain. He was going to kill him, I realised. Whatever primal nature lingered in the high lords had taken over and Lucien was now a threat to the stability of his lands.

No. I didn't want Lucien to die. Despite everything, he did not deserve this. I felt my power blooming, filling my entire being, whispering to me. I had to stop this, even if I risked showing more than I wanted to. Tamlin had seen me shield before, so that would not come as a surprise, at least.

In the exact moment that Tamlin's teeth descended towards Lucien's exposed throat, I threw a shield of hard wind between them, while shielding myself as well. Ice crackled in my veins and the temperature in the room dropped drastically. Tamlin's jaws met with an impenetrable barrier and I would have laughed at the sight of him colliding with the rock hard surface of my power, had it not been for the incredible wrath that filled the room and made the manor shutter in terror. Lucien stared at Tamlin, shock painted on his handsome face. Tamlin whirled to look for the cause of the shield and as his eyes fell on me, I suddenly wondered if he was so far gone that he would lunge for me. I almost hoped he would.

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