Chapter 8

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The silence that followed my words was thick, laden with tension. Tamlin had gone still by my side, as if he feared that any movement would trigger the King. Coward.

Finally, the king let out a low, vicious laugh that skittered along my bones like claws on marble. "Ah, Feyre." He said my name like a lover's caress, so at odds with the depthless, unfeeling eyes that beheld me, "you seem to be on the mend. A few days of peace and quiet here in the lovely, eternal spring can heal even the deepest wounds, it seems."

His eyes narrowed slightly, his voice turning hard and cold. Were his words merely a jab to remind me of the pain he had caused when he thought he broke the mating bond between Rhys and me, or could he somehow still sense the bond within me, stronger than ever?. It was an effort not to react, but I kept staring at him, my own fake smile equally cold. After what seemed like an eternity, his eyes finally left mine and turned to Tamlin.

"I hope your emissary" he shot a glance at Lucien "doesn't grieve too much about the loss of his mate." Lucien let out an almost inaudible growl and shifted his stance, sliding into a fighting position. Tamlin quickly spoke, flicking his wrist at Lucien. Stand down, that hand ordered. Lucien did, but not without visible struggle. "We will get her back." Tamlin was speaking as much to Lucien as to the king.

Jurian, standing close behind the king gave a smirk, eyes fixed on Lucien. I could hear his taunting words from the day everything had gone to hell. Do you know what Illyrian bastards do to pretty females? Elain was safer where she was now than she would have been here. Of course, Lucien did not know that, so Jurian's taunts still found their mark. I looked forward to the day where I would wipe that insufferable smile of his face.

The king's eyes narrowed at Tamlin "Maybe. You might have the chance when you go fetch the book that lovely Feyre decided to hide from me." His voice was icy as he shot me a glance. The air in the room had gone cold and the ripple of power radiating from him was truly terrifying. Oh, I had pissed him off by making sure that the book would not end up in his hands. I wanted to grin at him, but kept my face neutral.

Tamlin shot me a quick glance of... relief? Or pride? I couldn't read his expression and it was gone before I could blink. He stared back at the king, unblinking. "I made no promise to get the book for you."

"No you didn't, but I believe it would be in your best interest to oblige me. Since your lady decided to act on her own accord, maybe you should use her to get it back." Tamlin let out a low, vicious growl. "Keep her out of this."

"Oh, I will do no such thing. You promised that she would be at my disposal for some minor tasks." The king flipped his wrist in a casual movement and continued, "And I intend to make full use of that promise. As to the book, I don't really care how you get it back, just do it." His last words were like the crack of a whip, and Tamlin flinched slightly, but gave the king a stiff nod. "And," the king added menacingly, "don't take too long."

The room shifted as the king's power retreated like mist on a cool spring breeze. The king, now smiling again, turned to Ianthe who smiled serenely at him, unfazed by the exchange that had just occurred.

"Priestess. How lovely to see you again" The king inclined his head to her and Ianthe bowed her head low, "Blessings" she merely said as she raised her head. The king looked from Ianthe to Tamlin, an amused, arrogant smile playing on his lips. "How interesting to find you here. Tell me, how did Feyre..."

"Enough" Tamlin barked, and I was surprised at the volume of his voice, the suddenness of his outburst. I raised my brows at him, but he stared at the king, anger, and fear, in his eyes.

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