Chapter 9

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The claws had slashed through the outer barriers of my mind. Only one wall was left – the last defence of my most inner thoughts. What the attacker had glimpsed so far were memories primarily from my mortal life; my father in his study, my mother going to yet another party, the joy I felt when I painted and the ingrained fear as I stalked through the snow-covered woods near our old cottage. But the real secrets, about the court of dreams, my mating bond and the glamour on the tattoo that made me High Lady, remained mine, as long as I could keep my adamant wall in place. My mind convulsed at the thought of that wall crumbling. Everything would be laid bare and my life, along with the lives of my loved ones, would be in extreme danger.

The walls of my mind seemed to close in on me and I scrambled through every bit of training I had had, but nothing had prepared me for this. Think, THINK.

My attacker had clawed his way through the barriers without pause, as if he knew that whatever bits and pieces he saw and felt in my mind were not the essential ones. Yet now he halted. He was playing with me, I realised. He knew he had me cornered and took his time scoping out the ever-weakening shield. No. No, no, no, no.
Feyre a distant whisper of a roar sounded in the darkness of my mind, I felt immense power surging from the bond and suddenly, I wasn't alone anymore.

I was surrounded by darkness. Soothing, brilliant darkness that caressed my mind, filled it and closed the holes in my shield. I let myself drown in the star-flecked night and I could feel him. My mate. He filled my mind, lending me his strength.

Feyre. Fight it. Push back. Rhys' voice sounded in my head, as clear as if he had stood beside me. I whimpered.

I can't.

Yes, you can. Use your power. His voice was steady and confident.

I don't have any more to give. And it was true. I had poured every ounce of strength into the shield and it still hadn't been enough.

Yes, you have. You have the power of all the high lords – your power. Not just mine.

I sensed the claws resuming their attack, viciously slicing at the renewed strength of the wall, but with Rhys' strength woven into mine the wall held, stronger than ever.

His words sent a jolt through me – he was right. I had just been wielding night court power against this – not any of the other talents that I carried in my arsenal. But I could use my powers, even in my mind. ALL my powers.

Good. Rhys mumbled as he sensed my resolve and I began gathering my strength. Hoarfrost crackled, woven with the scorching flames of the autumn court. A hard wind embraced the magic, urging it onwards and with a burst of energy I threw the magic out, at once repairing my shields and banishing those relentless claws from my mind. And for a few seconds, I followed that power, spearing into my attacker. The pain and hatred I found there slammed into me with such force that I nearly suffocated, and I only caught a quick flash of gold and teal before I was back in my own mind. A wave of relief gripped me as I realised that my mind was now mine again.

My high lady Rhys whispered in my mind, lovingly, but somehow strained too.

Thank you I whispered, wishing with every fibre in my being that I could fall into his arms and never let go.

It was all you, Feyre darling. The sweetness of my name on his lips sent a burst of pure desire through my body and I heard him chuckle, as he sensed the change in my mind.

Feyre he purred with a grin in his voice, letting his own desire wash over me.

Prick I retorted, because he knew exactly what he was doing to me – and he enjoyed it.

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