Chapter 13

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[I'm sorry for the wait. Unfortunately I've been sick, going in and out of hospital. I'm still not quite alright, but I hope to keep updating once every 3-4 weeks. I had difficulties writing the end of the chapter, but I decided to post it now, rather than spend another 3 days editing. I hope you still enjoy it.]


The sun blinded me with its sharp rays, as I lay flat on the ground, gasping for air. A few white clouds moved lazily across the blue sky, a testament to the lovely spring weather. I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun, caressing my face. I could almost deceive myself into believing that I was some place safe, some place quiet. Drowning out the noise of the training around me was easy enough. It was the smell and the feel of this place that made it difficult to imagine that I was anywhere but at the training fields at the spring court.

A shadow blocked out the sun and I opened my eyes to find Lucien, standing over me, a wicked grin on his handsome, yet scared face.

"Had enough already?" he mocked.

"Already? We've been at it for four hours?" I said, my breath catching on the words.

"You've had plenty of breaks." He stuck out his hand to pull me up.
"More like, three small ones." I grumbled as I took his outstretched arm, pulling myself up from the ground. I took satisfaction in the fact that he too was covered in sweat and dust. Also, I could have sworn that his eyes flickered with exhaustion and maybe even slight admiration. He probably hadn't expected me to keep up and not complain. At least not complain too much.

Lucien grinned, handing me a cup of water, which I gulped down in seconds.

"Easy there. I won't hold your hair if you start hurling your guts up." His words were easy and playful, but they still struck a chord. I had spent too much time at the spring court bent over a toilet.

Lucien noticed the subtle change in me, even though I tried to smile back. His metal eye whirred and he swallowed hard,

"Feyre I..." He began but I cut him off with a wave. I did not have it in me to get into this. Not right now. Not with my body aching from the hours spent hitting, kicking and dodging. Lucien was true to his words. He was a relentless trainer, always nagging at my posture, my punches and my angles. Even though I had held back, he had still driven me to the edge of exhaustion. And I did not want to break the lightness between us. I had actually felt normal these few hours. I had focused on my body and had pushed everything else to the back of my mind. I gave him a wicked grin, before I made a sweeping motion with my left foot, tripping him.

"Always be prepared." I said, trying to maintain a serious demeanour. While falling, water from his cup splashed all over his face, mixing with the sweat and dust already coating it. He looked at me with such bewilderment that I couldn't help it - I broke down laughing.

"Very funny, Feyre!" Lucien scowled, but he too was fighting a laugh.

"You... you look... dreadful." I sputtered, tears rolling down my cheeks from laughter.

Lucien wrinkled his nose in dismay, "Look who's talking." He shot back, but his retort was diminished by him getting up, while trying to straighten his hair and wipe his face. Fae males and their vanity.

"Come now" I smiled, "you deserved it."

He snorted, but didn't deny it. Good.

"We should get back to the manor." His eyes darkened, "I have other duties to attend to."

I cringed at that. I guess training me was a duty. I had almost forgotten about the King's demands in the hours that we had been here. Lucien motioned for me to follow him, and just like that, the easy playfulness of training together was gone. We both had to return to an uncertain reality, where we weren't necessarily on the same side. As we moved through the shield, back into the forest of the spring court, we both tensed, as if readying for a fight. I looked at Lucien and gave him a weak smile. He gave my arm a light squeeze before hurrying towards the manor. He left me on the outskirts of the stables with a hurried, "Same place and time tomorrow." and then he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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