Hero (Captain Cold)

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   "I got this one." I told the team as I shot an arrow and propelled myself across to the next rooftop. I jumped down and quietly landed in the alleyway. A mugging. I drew an arrow. "I suggest you let the woman go." I said. The mugger ignored me so I let the arrow fly. It embedded itself in the wall two inches from his face. "Let her go. Now." I said again. I drew another arrow. This time I wouldn't miss. I had distracted him long enough for The Flash to speed in and grab the woman and her purse. The mugger turned back. "Where is she?" He yelled in surprise. I ran at him, easily knocking him out. I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the alleyway. The sirens from the cop cars were getting louder and louder. I quickly tied the muggers hands and left him on the curb. I shot a grappling arrow and scaled the building closest to me. I watched as the mugger was arrested by some confused but grateful cops. My job was done. I made my way over a couple of roofs and then down into the streets. Barry stood waiting. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he grabbed me, speeding us away and back to Star Labs. We were back in seconds, Cisco, Caitlin and Harrison were waiting for us. "Sorry guys. Looks like Captain Cold is at it again." Cisco said, pulling up the robbery on the map. I was already heading for the door when Barry zoomed over to me and picked me up. We were suddenly outside the city bank. "You go around back." I told Barry. He nodded as I pulled out an arrow and headed in through the front door. I could hear talking as I quietly made my way towards the vault. I drew an arrow and aimed it to hit Captain Cold in the leg. But I missed, it hit him but grazed his leg making him shout. He turned and saw me. His partner in crime Heat Wave was just inches from him and both turned their guns on me. I lept out of the way as fire and ice flew at me. Heat Wave rushed at me, picking me up and easily tossing me back against the wall. I hit the wall and slid to the ground. I groaned in pain and looked up to see Barry fighting Captain Cold. He took a blast of ice to the chest and was thrown back. That gave the criminals enough time to grab their bags of money and run out. Barry slowly got up and made his way over to me. He picked me up and rushed us back to Star Labs. He sat me down so Caitlin could look over my injuries. "What hurts?" She asked. "Shoulder." I responded. "Its just badly bruised. Don't worry about it." She told me after looking over it. I got up and changed into some normal clothes. "Goodnight everyone." I said, grabbing my bag and heading out.

   I made my way to Jitters. "Something cold." I asked the bartender. He sat a glass in front of me. "Have we met before?" A voice asked. I turned on my stool a bit to look at the guy who was leaning on the bar next to me. I was ready to turn him down. But I stopped. He was a pretty attractive guy. "I think Id remember if we had." I told him, smiling a bit. He took the seat next to me and shook my hand. "Leonard Snart." He said. "Y/N." I responded with a smile.

  I had been dating Leonard for over a year now. He didn't know about my work as a 'hero' with The Flash. I really just didn't know how to tell him. Lately I hadn't been working as much. I can't even remember the last time I got hurt. It's almost like all the criminals and bad guys just stayed away from me. Even the team noticed it. Tonight Captain Cold was at it again. He had been off the radar for months at a time recently. Barry zoomed us to the small jewelry store. "He's alone." Barry told me. I jumped down from the roof next door and snuck in through the back. "Hey Y/N, try out those new tranquilizer darts on him." Cisco suggested. Captain Cold was bent over a broken glass case, blue parka hood on and goggles as usual. I shot the dart at him and he grunted in surprise, grabbing his neck. The jewelry dropped from his hands and he fell back. He would've hit the ground if not for Barry catching him. "Lets get him to the truck." He suggested. I helped him carry the criminal to the truck where Cisco was waiting.
   I went and changed as soon as we got back to Star Labs. I had a date with Leonard in an hour. I grabbed my phone as Harrison and Cisco helped Barry carry Captain Cold into the lab. "Hey those darts are good! I think it's wearing off though." Cisco told me. I nodded and called Leonard. Caitlin was standing next to me watching the boys. Clearly I was going to be late to date night. Captain Cold was propped up in a chair when his phone started ringing. That was Leonard's ring tone. I hung up my phone and the ringing stopped. I swear to god. I marched over to Captain Cold. "What are you doing?" Caitlin asked. I pulled the parka hood back and yanked the goggles off his face. Leonard Snart was Captain Cold. "Dammit!" I yelled, scaring Caitlin and Harrison. "What?" Barry asked. "I've been- I'm-" I tried to explain. He was starting to wake up. I was panicking and had to sit down. "Oh wow..." Caitlin said. I had told her about my boyfriend and I think she just now got it. "Will someone explain what's going on?" Cisco yelled. "Well, Y/N has been dating this guy for awhile and I think she just discovered he's really Captain Cold." Caitlin summarized. "Ooh." Cisco said. Leonard opened his eyes and glanced over at Barry. "Barry? What did you do to me?" He asked, rubbing his neck. Barry put his hands up. "It's wasn't me. It was her." Barry pointed in my direction. Leonard looked at me and his face went from annoyed to heartbroken. "Oh god. Baby, I didn't-" Leonard said, he got up from his chair shakily at first. I sat back in mine and watched as he put his hands on my knees and crouched in front of me. "Can I explain?" He asked. I looked at the others. "We'll give you a minute." Barry said, pulling Cisco and Caitlin away with Harrison following. "Talk." I told Leonard. He sighed. "I've known about what you do, who you are for awhile. Since the beginning actually. And I've been trying to protect you the whole time." He explained. I shook my head in disbelief. "You-You knew?!" I shouted. "And I told everyone you were off limits. No one would touch you or come near you. Because I'm in love with you. I love you." Leonard said, holding my hand. I tried to be angry at him. I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to punch him in the face for keeping this secret. But I was in love with him too. That was the first time he had said those words to me. "Well I'd say screw you but I actually just want to say I love you too." I said, a slight smirk appearing on my face. Leonard leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to my forehead. "This won't happen again. I swear. We can figure this out." Leonard promised. He smiled happily at me. Cisco peaked around the corner at us. "Can we come in? We have work to do." He asked. I nodded. "Did you break up?" Barry asked, smiling at us. We both glared at him and shook our heads. "Great... Then you, get out." He said, pointing at Leonard. "You can go home for the night. Be back Monday." Barry said, winking at me. So I was keeping my job. For now. Leonard smiled at me and pulled me from my chair. "You're not getting away with all this so easily. Just so you know." I told him, kissing his lips quickly and smirking at him.

Leonard Snart and Mick Rory ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now