Cold has a Cold (Captain Cold)

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   I was rudely awoken by sneezing. Rapid sneezing. I turned in bed and looked over at Lenny, he was half way out of bed and surrounded by tissues. "Oh no." I said, sitting up and stretching. He looked pathetically over at me, his nose red, eyes watery and a frown on his face. I put my hand to his face, which was warm. "Yup, you've got a cold." I decided, getting up. I pushed him back into bed and headed downstairs. I made soup and brought it back up to him, along with medicine. "I've got a job with Mick tonight." Lenny said, sitting up to eat. "Well you can't go. You're too sick." I ordered. Lenny tried to look annoyed but it was just sad. "Look, don't worry. I'll go with Mick and get the job done." I promised him. I raised a hand to silence him before he could speak. "I'm going. You're not." I told him sternly. "Cold has a cold." I mumbled as I got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready. I barely missed the tissue box that Lenny threw after me. I laughed manically.
   "Look Barry, I'd love to help but I can't. I'm busy." I told my brother over the phone. I hoped that he didn't decide to just zoom over to the apartment. My little brother was Barry Allen, The Flash.  He didn't exactly know that I was dating his enemy, Leonard Snart. Captain Cold. He didn't know that Lenny lived with me either and that was pretty hard to hide. Especially when you had a nosey little brother like Barry. "Alright..." Barry huffed. I laughed and hung up, going to get ready. Mick would be here soon so we could go rob some billionaire. "Stay in bed, rest, and don't worry." I told Lenny. He leaned in for a kiss but I shook my head, I didn't want that cold. "Fine. Love you." He grumbled, wrapping himself up in the blankets on the bed and switching on the tv. I smiled and grabbed my bag and his parka , heading out to meet Mick.

Tonight's job was successful. Mick and I got away with at least a few thousand dollars in cash and then a few hundred in gems. Hopefully Lenny would be proud. Mick and I headed to the bar for some drinks. "You did great kid." Mick told me, buying us a round of shots. Mick always called me kid. He called everyone kid. Except Lenny. I glanced to my right and about jumped out of my seat. Barry and his friends just walked through the door. Crap. "Shit... Switch me seats." I ordered Mick. He looked confused. "Why?" He asked. Before I could shove him from his seat I heard my name. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Baby bro." I said, giving Barry an annoyed look. "Nice coat." He commented, pointing at my parka. He looked behind me at Mick and then at me again. "Who's your friend?" Barry asked. I looked over at Mick. "My... My boyfriend. Mick. Yup." I lied. Mick stared at me with wide eyes. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his quickly. "Oh... Wow sorry sis. I've gotta go..." Barry said awkwardly. I pulled away from Mick, sighing in relief that Barry left. He hated PDA. Or at least when it was me. "What is going on?" Mick asked me. "That's my brother. I didn't want him to know that we just robbed someone. Sorry about that kiss by the way." I explained. I paid for our drinks quickly and grabbed my bag, pulling Mick to the exit.

"You kissed him?" Lenny asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "I... I might have. Just to get Barry to go away though, I swear babe." I explained.

 "So the only thing to do was kiss my partner in crime?" Lenny asked

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"So the only thing to do was kiss my partner in crime?" Lenny asked. I had just gotten home and Mick already blabbed to Lenny about what happened. Mick left quickly looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry Lenny, I really am." I told him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smirked at me, unable to stay mad. "Since I feel so much better, how about we take this to the bedroom?" He asked, sliding his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. I giggled as he threw me over his shoulder and marched to the bedroom.

"Mick's here!" Lenny called. He came into the bedroom with a tray of soup. I sniffed and coughed. "I'm really sorry I got you sick honey." He said once again. "Sure you are." I said, trying not to smile at his sweet face and then coughing again. "I'll be back tonight. Feel better, I love you!" Lenny said, sitting the tray down and running away before he could get sick again.

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