Throughout The Years (Leonard Snart)

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Summary: You've known Len and Mick most of your life but then Len decides he wants to go and save the world with the mysterious British man he met. You wait and wait until finally Mick returns home to deliver the bad news.

15 Years Ago:

  I walked along side Len through the night time streets of Central City. "You get the left." He told me quietly. We came up behind two business men. Len went to the one on the right and I, the left. I stuck my hand in his pocket and grabbed his wallet. Len did the same. Then, we took off running. "Hey!" I heard one of the men shout. Len grabbed my hand and pulled me down the nearest alley. We ran to the end and slowed down, joining in with the crowd and crossing the road. We hurried into another alley. Len pulled me against a wall and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss. He pulled back. "Lets see what we won today." Len said cheerfully. I nodded and crouched onto the ground so I could go through the wallet in my pocket. Cash, no credit cards. "I've got $80 cash." Len said, clearly hoping for more. I smiled at him. "$150 here." I said, waving the money in front of him. Len chuckled and we tucked the money away into our coats. We walked hand in hand through the streets, stopping and picking up food as we headed home.

Home just happened to be a studio apartment at the moment. It was mine. Len moved in after he got his sister a place of her own. We weren't dating, it was more like criminal friends with benefits. He immediately put our newest jackpot into the safe that we used as a side table. I noticed a dirty looking jacket on the back of one of the chairs. "Len?" I called out. He came up behind me and also noticed the coat. The bathroom door opened and we both spun around. Mick Rory came out, looking bored. "Ah good, you brought food." He said happily. Mick walked past me and plucked the bag from my hands. "How did you get in here?" I asked. Mick chuckled. "Really?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "I didn't think you were getting out of Iron Heights for another few months." Len said, patting Mick on the back. I ducked under Mick's arm and grabbed my food before he could eat it. "Well, I didnt want to be there anymore so I stopped trying to kill people." Mick explained. Len looked impressed with his pyromaniac friend. "It was the hardest six months of my life." Mick added.


I sighed and sat back in my chair. "Bored?" Harrison asked from across the room. "Yes." I said loudly. Caitlin looked over at me. "You miss him don't you?" She asked. Cisco and Barry immediately looked up and over at us. "I miss them both. Stupid future guy. Stupid time traveling." I grumbled. Len and Mick both left 5 months ago with a few other to save the world. Both assured me they were not going to become heroes while they were away. I hoped that because of the time travel and all that they would be gone for a matter of minutes and then be home. But I was wrong. Harrison offered me a job with Team Flash while my best friends were away. Which I accepted. Clearly. I grabbed a dart from my cup holder and threw it at the start board on the wall I'm front of me. Bullseye. Yay. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Everyone looked over. Except me. I heard Caitlin gasp, so I spun my chair around. Time froze it seemed. Mick. I jumped from my chair and ran across the room, jumping into his open arms. "Mick! Mick you're home!" I said happily. He squeezed me tightly and then let go. I pulled back and looked at him. Mick looked and seemed different. One, he was wearing something different then his usual baggy pants. Two, he acted a lot more observant. Three, I saw his heat gun in its holster on his side but, he was holding the cold gun in his other hand. My eyes stayed glued to the cold gun. "Where's Len?" I asked, my heart speeding up some. I had a bad feeling. Mick sighed and put his hand on my arm. I flinched away, shaking my head. Mick frowned and looked down. "No. No! He's not..." I said. I took a step back. Harrison got up. Caitlin was already next to me. "Whats going on?" Barry asked, standing near Mick. "Snart. He's gone." Mick said. With those words, I crumpled to the ground. Harrison caught me half way and wrapped an arm around me. I cried into his shirt. "How? What happened to him?" Barry asked. "Not here Barry." Harrison ordered. "No... what happened to him Mick?" I asked. "Time Masters. They were controlling our fates the entire time. Everything that happened... it happened because they wanted it to. So, we decided to blow up what they were controlling us with. It was supposed to be me. Ray Palmer tried to do it but, he saved me once and I had to save him. Snart just had to be the hero though. He knocked me out, gave me the cold gun and Sara Lance dragged me out before the whole place blew." Mick explained. I covered my mouth to keep from crying out. Mick reached into his pocket and dug something out. He held it up. The ring from their first job. God it had been ages since I saw that thing. Len just had to have it, even though the job was a bust. Mick leaned down to me. "Here. He'd want you to have it." Mick placed the ring in my shaky hands. "I should go.." Mick said, getting up. "No, not again." I complained. I got up quickly, grabbing Micks hand. He squeezed my hand and turned around. "Rip Hunter lied to us. We werent ment to be Legends. We were nobodies. I was only there because of Snart. I wasnt needed or wanted. I got... out of control. So Snart handled it. He knocked me out, dragged me into the middle of nowhere... and left me. He should've killed me like he planned. I lost my mind. Those Time Masters, found me and for centuries they made me into a killer. And then I went after the team, after Snart. But I couldn't kill him. And he made the others take me in. He was a hero. To me. But me? I'm no hero." Mick explained. My mouth had dropped open in shock. I couldn't... I couldn't believe all they had been through. Mick was with the Time Masters for... centuries? I threw my arms around him. "If you leave again, you will tell me." I ordered. Mick wrapped his arms around me. "The team... they are all back. I don't know what we will do but it doesn't feel right just giving up." Mick told me as he hugged me. That definitely didn't sound like Mick. He really had changed. "I'm going to go... I need to." Mick told me. I looked at him, my heart was just broken. "I'll let you know what we decide to do." He promised me. Before he could pull away again, I stopped him. "I want to go with you next time!" I blurted out. He looked at me and a slight smile formed on his face. "I can't lose you too." I said. "Alright, IF we go again." He said, backing out into the hall and towards the elevator. I started to smile a bit but then I though of Len.

    6 months ago:

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6 months ago:

"The Flash thinks he's better then us! He isn't!" Len said, pacing the room. "Come to bed." I suggested again. Len wasn't listening though. He continued pacing. I finally got up and blocked his path. He stood with his arms crossed, one hand under his chin. "Stop trying to foil your enemies plans and go to sleep." I ordered him. His intense glare faded and his arms dropped to his side's. Len wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. "Fine, but you owe me." He whispered, kissing my nose. Suddenly he was picking me up and tossing me onto the bed, making us both smile.

5 months ago:

"Don't do this." I begged Len. I followed him through our small house which he had spent less and less time in recently. "I already said I would. Mick too." Len said, not bothering to even look at me. "You don't even know this, Rip Hunter! He could be a maniac and try to kill you!" I shouted. "Hes not." Len confidently assured me. I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn and look at me. "Please don't do this. Don't leave." I begged. Len looked down at me for just a second. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He grabbed my waist and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I shouted at him. Len dropped me on the bed in our room and grabbed my face, pulling me into a kiss. He pulled back, looking me in the eyes. "I will always love you." Len promised. And then he turned away, shutting the door behind himself. I heard the sound of the cold gun of off and watched as the door handle froze. "Len! Len let me out!" I shouted. I heard the front door slam shut. 

   I had to call The Flash to come rescue me from my own house

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   I had to call The Flash to come rescue me from my own house. "Where is he going?" Barry asked as I walked around Star Labs with him. I was angry at Len. He never listened and now he was gone. He just left. Mick too. "I don't know. Some guy showed up and told Len he was going to save the world." I said. Our mutual disappointment in Len made us allies. As the months went on the disappointment faded into sadness. I missed Len and Mick. I just wanted them to come home. I wanted to wrap my arms around Len and never let go.

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