.10 Meeting

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-Jack's POV-

"How ya feeling, dude?" JJ said as we pulled up to the airport. Tomorrow is the big day. I fly home today to meet her parents for a small dinner to see how everything is coming together, and then I meet Ray tomorrow. I have never been so sure about something in my life. Quite frankly, that is terrifying. I know she feels the same because of the last letter she sent me. Things are just crazy right now, but once I have her in my arms I know things will be okay. "HEY. LOVERBOY." JJ said snapping me out of my daydream.

"Sorry dude," I said with a chuckle, " I was just thinking. I feel great. A little nervous of course, but great. I'm just glad you agreed to come home with me." I said looking at him. Just as he was about to speak, the lady called for our flight and we were off.


I walked into my childhood home and called for my parents.

"In the living room!" I heard my mother call back. I put my stuff off to the side in the front hallway and went into the living room. "Hey, son!" My dad said from his chair. I smiled and gave my parents a hug.

"So what's the plan? Are Ray's parents almost here? I'd like to shower before they get here." I said light-heartedly.

"Actually that's what we wanted to talk to you about." With those words coming out of my mothers mouth, I could only think the worse, she backed out. I knew it was too good to be true. And that's when my mom spoke, "Ray is in the hospital." To think that her backing out was awful, knowing she is in the hospital is even worse. I saw my Dad quickly stand up and catch me. I didn't even realize I almost fell.

"What the hell. Is she okay? What happened?" My mom put her hand on my arm and I immediately clamed down.

"She is okay. She had a severe panic attack. They're keeping her overnight, but she is okay. Everything is okay." I let out a sigh and sat down.

"Can I go see her?" Was the first thing I could say. I have to see her.

"Of course, honey. We'll go with." And with that, we all piled in the car and my dad drove to the hospital. Once we got there, I ran into the building and straight to the front desk.

"I'm looking for my fiance, Rayne Jones. I need to know what room she is in." I said in a frantic tone. The lady nodded and told me where she was. I ran down the hall straight to her room. I wanted to rush in, but didn't. I knocked and waited for one of her parents to open the door. Her mom opened the door and enveloped me into a hug. When she released me, her dad walked over a shook my hand. They both left so it was just Ray and I.

"Hey, beautiful." I said and her head snapped in my direction.

"Oh. My. God." She said covering her face. I could hear a silent cry and I rushed over to comfort her.

"It's okay. I've got you. Everything will be okay. I promise." Just as I said promise, she looked up at me and smiled a little.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I'm so glad you are here." She put her head on my chest and I kissed the top of her head.

"This is definitely not how I planned us to meet, but I wouldn't have it any other way." I said quietly. She chuckled and made room for me to lay next to her. She fell asleep shortly after. Her parents and mine came in about half an hour after she fell asleep. We all talked and waited for the doctor to come in saying Ray could leave. That took another hour before he came.

"Ray? Let's go home." I said as she was waking up.

"Home." She said and went to change.


-Ray's POV-

"He's coming today. He'll actually be in the same town as me in like three hours. What am I going to do! I don't want to leave the house and ruin our meeting tomorrow. I want it to be perfect and romantic, and I just really don't want to screw it all up." I said blabbering on the phone to my mom. They were going out to dinner tonight with Jack, and then Jack and I will spend all day tomorrow together. We had planned on looking for a house or an apartment to call ours. Everything is literally perfect right now.

"Everything will be great. Don't worry sweetheart!" My mom said. I knew she was right. We said out goodbyes and I started cleaning my house. I didn't have much to clean because I cleaned most of it yesterday. Once I was done vacuuming my room, and the living room, I went to get in my tub. It was half an hour before Jack arrived and the nerves have yet to subside. Just as I walked into the bathroom, I got this weird sensation in my chest. It was as if I was trying to breathe under water. I was taking deep breathes but it was like no air would go into my lungs. I grabbed for my phone, but quickly realized it was down the hall in my room.

At this point, I was freaking out running down the hall to my phone. . I quickly called my mom and said I needed her at the house, and to be quick. No less than 5 minutes later she was rushing into my room asking ten billion questions. I was struggling for my breathe and she called my dad upstairs to carry me out to the car. Mom sat with me in the back and all I could do was cry. My body just had to do this.

When we got to the hospital the doctors rushed me into a room and started asking a bunch of questions. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a dark room.My mom grabbed my hand and started saying everything was okay. I just had a severe panic attack so I felt like I couldn't breathe. Just as I started nodding off to sleep, there was a knock at my door. I looked at the clock and realized that I had been in this awful place for two hours already. My parents both walked out. I heard the door close and I looked out the window. I had a beautiful view.

""Hey, beautiful." I heard from the other side of the room. I quickly looked over, and to my surprise, it was the one person I had been waiting so anxiously to meet for the past three months.

"Oh. My. God." I said covering my face. I started to cry again and Jack rushed over to me.

"It's okay. I've got you. Everything will be okay. I promise." Hearing Jack say promise made my whole world complete. I could tell he had every intention to keep that promise. I couldn't help but look up at him and smile.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. I'm so glad you are here." I said laying my head on his chest. Hearing the steady beat of his heart made nothing else in this world matter. I felt him
kiss the top of my head. He whispered something to me shortly after.

"This is definitely not how I planned us to meet, but I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. He was so warm. His touch made me feel safe. I couldn't imagine this moment being any different. I wanted to tell him that, but I fell asleep instead. Every so often I could hear light whispers and I could feel the slow inhale/exhale of Jack's breathing. About two hours later I heard Jack's voice.

"Ray? Let's go home." Jack said rubbing my back until I woke all the way up.

"Home." I said getting up and walking into the bathroom. Seeing him tonight just made me realize, home isn't a place. He is my home. Anywhere Jack is, that is where I wanted to be. That is where I knew I would be happy.


WORDS: 1393

There ya go. How is it? Too much. I was gonna leave a cliffhanger, but I decided that was too mean. YOURE WELCOME. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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