.06 Second Thoughts

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- The day after Ray gets the letter-

*BUZZZ* I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from James.

I'll be there soon xxx

After I put my phone down. I went into overthinking mode. I don't know if I can go through with this. How can I do this? Am I ready for this? Will he actually like me? There are so many things going on in my mind right now and honestly I wish I could just stop thinking. I don't want to overthink because I always do that and screw everything up. After reading his letter and feeling like I have known him forever... I just really don't want to screw this up.

"Ray? Where are you hiding?" James said walking into my house with cookies and probably his favorite chick flicks. I mean it was movie night so I don't expect anything less from him.

"I'm in my room. I'll be down in a minute. Set everything up." I shout so he wouldn't come upstairs and see me in the middle of a mental break down. I get up and look at myself in the mirror. Sighing I fix my hair and change into yoga pants and a oversized sweatshirt. I then zoomed downstairs in search of my best friend. "THERE YOU ARE!" I shout jumping onto his back just as he closed my oven door.

"HOLY RAY! YOU SCARED THE LIVING PEANUTS OUT OF ME!" James and I never cursed all that often and we always thought it was funnier to replace the words, so that is exactly what we did. "What's going on buttercup? You seem out of it." He knows me too well, and I know I can't lie to him... so the truth is really the only way to go.

"I don't know how to react about Jack. He seems like this really sweet guy, and I am just not sure if we will do well together. We've sent two letter and I don't know. I'm just being my worry wart self I guess." I said looking down. James grabbed my face so that I would look up at him. He kissed my forehead and sighed.

"You are an amazing person, and if Jack doesn't realize that then he isn't worth your time. When do you get to meet his parents? Isn't that coming up soon? Then before you know it you two will meet and then the wedding will be soon after that. Everything will be fine. I am sure of it." James says and envelopes me into a hug. He always knows the right things to say. Not only is he a genius with what to say to me, he gives some pretty amazing hugs.

"You're right. I actually got a text from Jack's mother this morning inviting me to dinner tomorrow night. This is all happening so fast. Where has all the time gone?" I said taking a deep breath in so I could inhale James' smell. He just made everything seem so easy for me. We grabbed the cookies out of the oven and James turned on the TV. Surprisingly, this was not the typical chick flick that James would bring over for out movie nights. Instead, we watched "IT" and sat there huddled on the couch.


"Of all scary movies in the world, you had to pick that one?" I said after the movie was finished. We had sat there for about twenty minutes in silence after the movie ended, and I was obviously the first one to speak. He just slowly nodded and slouched further down into the couch. "You are more than welcome to stay here tonight. Actually, I would much rather you stay here tonight because I don't think I could fight off an evil clown in my drain all by myself." I said getting up and making my way into the kitchen.

After I cleaned my kitchen a little, I went back into the living room where my bestie was still sitting, only this time he was giggling at his phone. I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was texting a girl named Elizabeth. "GET IT JAMES!" I yelled a little too loud by his ear. He grabbed me and flipped me onto his lap so fast I probably got whiplash.

"WHAT IN HEAVENS SAKE HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT DOING THAT!" He yelled back tickling me until I couldn't breathe. He stopped and stared at me. "She is just a girl that is helping me with a class project, okay?" He said and I nodded slowly. I got up and motioned towards the stairs.

"You know where the guest room is. And where everything else is. If you need me, you know where I will be." I said giving him a smile and heading to bed. I fell asleep about and hour later, and just as I fell into that deep sleep, I felt someone crawl into bed next to me and wrapping strong arms around my waist. I felt a kiss on my next and a large exhale. I was too tired to make James leave, so I let it happen.. was that wrong?

----- THE NEXT DAY -----

"Good Morning, Weirdo." I said as James walked into the kitchen. When I woke up this morning he has went back into the guest room. I came downstairs and made breakfast waiting for him to wake up. I wasn't all that worried about what happened last night even though I probably should be. I have dinner with Jack's parents to worry about.

"Excited for you dinner dates tonight?" James said still half asleep. I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. I was terrified. What if they didn't like me? No. I am not going to start overthinking again. I can't let that happen.

"I'm going to head out. I'll text you later." James said as he walked upstairs to grab his things. I waited to hear the door slam shut and released the breath I didnt realize I was holding. After James left, I cleaned my house and waited until it was time for me to leave so I could meet Jack's parents.


"Hello, My name is Katherine, and this is my husband, David. It's so nice to meet you sweetheart!" Jack's parents said as I stepped up to the dinner table at this VERY fancy restaurant. I noticed three other people there. I honestly thought it would just be his parents and I, but I obviously thought wrong. "These are Jack's sisters, Molly and Laura." David said. I looked over and smiled at them. They returned the smile. I looked over and saw a blonde boy smiling away at his phone. Katherine cleared her throat and the blonde boy looked up.

"My name is Jack, you can call me JJ or Johnson. I'm Jack's best friend." He said standing. He took my hand and kissed it. Such a gentleman, I couldn't help but blush. We all sat down and ordered our food.

"So tell me a bit about yourself. Something that your parents couldn't tell us." Katherine said breaking the awkward silence. I looked down trying to think of something.

"I sing. My parents don't know about that. I'm alright at it I guess." I said and Jack just about leaped out of his seat.



Words: 1234


What do you think??

Amanda ❤️

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