.04 Receiving the First Letter

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I am the worst at being patient. I have to preoccupy myself so I forget about what I really want. Honestly, it sucks. One of my many flaws I guess. My phone suddenly started ringing and I was pulled out of my trance.

"Hello?" I said answering my phone.

"Hi sweety, want to have dinner tonight? There are a few things I want to run by you. That, and your dad has been begging to see you." My mother said with a nervous tone. I sighed a little, but giggled.

"Dinner sounds great. What time?" It had been a few days since I last saw my parents, and I kind of missed them. I usually go weeks without actually seeing them. However, with everything that has been happening lately, my parents and I have been unbelievably close.

"How about an early dinner so we have enough time to talk. Say about 4? Eat around 5 or 6?" My mom said hesitantly.

"That sounds really great." I said. I don't really know why my mom is so hesitant. I guess I'll have to wait until 4 so find out what's going on.

"Okay. See you then. I love you." My mother said and hung up. I said I love you too, but I doubt she heard me.

I checked the time, and it was nearly 2:00. I jumped into the shower, washed my long black hair,
body, and sat in the tub. After about twenty minutes, the water started getting cold so I got out.

I walked into my room and looked through my messy closet. Autumn is coming (SORRY GAME OF THRONES REFERENCE. DONT HATE ME) and I didn't wanna be cold, so I opted for something pretty, but comfy. I pulled out a red crop top sweater, a black skirt that I pulled up to the end of the shirt, black leggings, and paired it all with some cream colored combat boots. I checked the time, and it was a quarter to 4 so I grabbed everything I needed and left.
"Honey! I'm home!" I said giggling while opening the front door. I heard my parents laughing from the kitchen, so I strolled in. "WHAT'S UP MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY" I said when I walked in.

"HELLO OUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!" They said in unison, as if it was rehearsed. We all giggled and started this dinner.

"So let's get down to business. What's up?" I said tapping my nails on the kitchen counter.

"We met Jack." My mom blurted out and my dad gave her a 'way to go' look while sighing. I stared at them with disbelief. I mean, I'm glad they met him... but I hadn't received my first letter back.

"And?" I was hanging on their every word. I just wanted to know what he's like.

"He's perfect for you." My father said. Of all people, he was the last person I would think to say that. I let out a sigh of relief. Knowing my dad approved was all I cared about. We didn't talked much after that. The occasional small talk, but that was mostly because we were eating my mom's world famous most spaghetti. And by world famous, i just mean to my dad and I, but that's all that mattered right? After dinner, we watched a movie and I headed home. Thinkng about how my parents finally approved of a guy, and that guy is the person I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Even if I don't know him yet.


It has been three days since I sent my letter. Thoughts are running through my head, and I have no idea what to think anymore. Maybe he hated it? Maybe he hates me? I have been staring out of my window all day waiting for the mailman to walk by and put my fiancé's letter in my mailbox. Fiancé. That word is still strange to say. I got up from my window and started walking around my house. Just repeating the word. It was not but twenty minutes later and I hear a car in the street stop at my house. I excitedly ran to my door and opened it up. I was just about to dash down my long driveway when I bumped into a strong body. I slowly looked up, and it was none other than my best friend in the entire world.

"JAMES!" I yelled jumping onto him like a spider monkey. I have not seen this guy in six months, he's been in New York pursuing his dream of film making. Without a doubt, James has been the for me through thick and thin. "James Robert Elway, what in the name of pie are you doing here!!!!" I say while I release him from my death grip. He chuckled a little while trying to catch his breath.

"Well, I decided I had a hiatus in schooling, so I may as well surprise my best friend. I see the surprise worked." He said ruffling my hair. James had a good foot over me, but that didn't mean I couldn't drop kick him at any moment.

"You definitely succeeded. Don't worry your pretty little head about that! Oh my cows. There is a lot you have missed. Come in. Please. I'm sure you're starving. You know where the kitchen is." I said moving out of the doorway so James could walk inside. His presence made me forget about whatever I was doing before he got here. What was I doing? I followed him into the kitchen and sat at my island while he went through the fridge picking out random food items.

"So what is it you need to fill me in on. Usually when I come home you have nothing to tell. So spill girlfriend!" He said the last part flipping his hair, and only because he knows how much I hate when he does that. I roll my eyes and stare at him.

"Well, I am getting married." I said looking up at him. He looked at me as if I just stole his favorite teddy bear and sent it off to the guillotine. In that same instant, a pickle jar went crashing onto my newly cleaned floors. However, instead of quickly picking up the contents spilled all over my floor, he continued to stare at me. "Stop looking at me like that." I said sharply and he came out of his daze.

"You're joking right? Just playing some messed up game with me? Because I am really not into this game you are playing." He said then started picking up the pickles and shards of glass off my kitchen floor.

"I wish I was kidding." I said with a large sigh. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm excited to be engaged, but it's still a very strange concept to me

"Who's the lucky guy? Do I get to meet him? Where did you two meet? I've never heard of him before. How come I didn't know sooner?" He kept shooting questions as me as if I was being interrogated by the FBI for first degree murder. I quickly cut him off.

"It's an arranged marriage by my parents and his. His name is Jack. I haven't met him yet, we are writing letters for now. That's why I ran into you when you got here. I thought you were the post man." I replied trying to answer all of his questions. He stood there staring at me after he finished cleaning.

"Wow. Just wow. Has he sent you a letter yet?" James said trying not to pry. I shook my head and he let out a large sigh, like a sigh of relief. I ignored it and relaxed a bit in my seat. Telling my best friend was a big deal, and now that it's out of the way I feel a lot better about the entire situation. "Did you hear that? I think that was the mailman." James said out of no where and I dashed outside. I heard him chuckle and say something but I was moving too fast to hear him. When I reached the mail box, Jack's letter was on top. I took it out and my nose was instantly filled with his smell. The colonge I already fell in love with. I turned around and slowly walked back toward the house.

"You look happy. Did you finally get it?" James said as I walked in to my house.



Words: 1424


Sorry it's been a little while. Just didnt know what to write. But here you goooo! Whatca think?

Ray's dad approves! You happy?!

What do you think about James?

That's all for now❤️

Love ya!


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