following touch

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I still remember

holding your hand for

the very first time.

because in that one moment,

I had the world

in my hands,

and then I knew what

that statement truly meant

to one person's mind,

to hold the world

in your hands.

isn't that written somewhere?

"to have and to hold

from this day forward."


The feeling I got in my stomach when I looked into your eyes, was hallucinatory. When I looked into your blue eyes, I saw oceans. I noticed the waves and how they crashed into what you were thinking, even though I had no idea what thoughts were running through your mind at that moment. All I knew is that you had that smirk, that you still get to this day. That smile where you can tell how happy you are, but then you try to make an effort to cover it up, but as I continued to see your smile, I had concluded in my mind that your smile was my favorite one.

When you get married, you read your vows to your partner, who will moments later become your husband or wife, and then that will be followed by the vows that you repeat after the person that you decided to have marry you. While repeating these words in front of the bodies that are attending your wedding, you come to realize what they really mean.

"To have and to hold, from this day forward."
Hearing this line out loud, and even listening to the voice in my head repeat it back to me, I have come to realize the meaning behind it. The person you are saying this to is yours, you get to have that person for as long as you live. The person you are about to marry, is yours to hold for the rest of your lives together. Through all of the arguments and mistakes that you two make, you are bound together through marriage. Even when you are not married to your significant other, this phrase still applies to your relationship together. You are two separate bodies, joined together by your hearts and minds. When you are with someone, you are to be loyal to them. You are obligated to tend to their needs when they ask you to. Together, you are to keep each other happy, to hold each other through the good times and the bad, and to have the person by your side no matter what is going on in your life. That's the beauty of being in love, having someone there for you at all times; that one person can care about you more than you'll ever know.

Holding someones hand, versus holding the person's hand that you have feelings for give you two different feelings. When you have a connection between the two of you, you start to feel things on a disparate level. The touch you feel isn't just a touch, there's the tingling feeling and the butterflies in your stomach, the way your cheeks get flushed and you try to hide it behind your smile that you hope mesmerizes them as much as theirs does for you.

I guess it's true when they say everything is different when you're with the person you love, because it is; it's so different.  In everything you see, you will notice how it reflects that one person. You will start to note all of the different ways your other half comes into play when you are doing something. 

The following touch will leave you with a crazy feeling inside; it will be one of the most wondrous, physical touches you will every receive. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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