Crimson Ego

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Directing your loftwing over towards the light-tower you landed quickly and you immediately saw a group of teenagers. Sending your bird off, you jogged up behind them, and accidentally started to eavesdrop on their conversation, when you heard the words, "crimson loftwing." Getting closer you recognized them as Groose and his two stooges, who were massaging his back. You snorted. Figures... Groose and his ego could fill the academy.

The tall blonde one, by the name of Stretch spoke up, ". . . You know, Groose, that sure was a pain, what with all that scratching and pecking."

Groose snorted, "Course it was. You thought a big Crimson Loftwing like that was gonna go down without a fight? But we got him, and I don't care how tough those birds are supposed to be. He's not getting out of that pen anytime soon, boys."

You clenched your jaw at his words. You should have expected something like this coming from Groose. That bully had everyone at the academy eating out of the palm of his hand. Taking long strides towards them in boiling determination, your (e/c) eyes could have burned a hole through Groose's stylized hair. Both of his stooges backed away as you got closer, and Groose finally turned around, alarm plastered on his features at your presence, "Whoa! ____! So, uh. . . yeah. Just how long you been standing there?"

You frowned, "Do you really want to know?"

Groose took a deep breath, trying to shake your burning gaze and change the subject, "What's your problem, anyway? Did Link send his bodyguard to beat me up for him?"

"Very funny," You got up in his face, "Now tell me what you did to Link's bird?"

"He did WHAT to my bird?" A voice came from behind you.

Groose laughed as he saw Link come up next to you, "So, you've finally come around to talk about today's race. I can see it in those dopey eyes of yours. They're pleading, "Oh, Groose, can you please find it in your heart to let me win today? Please!" He laughed hard as he circled the two of you. He quickly got in Link's face, "You're just desperate to win so you can get some alone time with Zelda up on the Statue of the Goddess at the end of the ceremony."

Link didn't flinch, but you clenched your teeth at the reminder of Zelda's favoritism, narrowing your brow. Groose noticed your reaction and whispered into your ear, "Jealous?" He chuckled.

"Why you! . . ." You were about to throw yourself at him, but Link stopped you with his arm.

Groose just continued, "Well, sorry, pal. Groose doesn't do charity for wimps. My advice? Work hard and wish with all your heart. You might even come in second. . . Say, come to think of it, how come I don't see your bird? Where is that scruffy pile of red feathers? I can't imagine what could've happened to him. Do you think his tiny brain got confused by all the clouds and got lost?"

Link just stared through him, "Bring it on."

Groose snorted, "Pfft. Sure. Only thing is, I don't know how you're going to do that with no bird! You gonna grow wings?"

You tried to keep your cool as you responded, "Your feeling mighty brave today Groose."

"You know," Groose stared you down, "We're all getting tired of how you never let anyone forget you and Zelda go way back." He was talking to Link specifically, but he knew he hit a soft spot on you. "You've been friends since you were kids? Big deal." He started to talk to you as well, "It doesn't change the fact that you both float through life with your head in the clouds. Would you wake up, straighten up, and grow a backbone already? Dopes like you are dragging our honored academy through the mud! Both of you!"

You had just about had it with that overgrown red head, but a voice from behind stopped you from throwing a wild punch at him, "And just who might you be talking about, Groose?"

Groose looked behind him to see Zelda, and he started to stutter, "Oh. . .Zelda. Hey. Nah, it's. . .uh. . ."

Zelda pushed you aside on her way towards Groose, "Don't even try it, Groose! You're picking on Link again aren't you? He's a student at the academy like all of us. Why do you insist on bullying him around so much?"

You wanted to laugh partially because of Groose's reaction to Zelda's scolding, but felt a little mad because Zelda wasn't stepping up for you. Not that you needed it. It'd just be nice to have a bit of acknowledgment every now and then!

Groose frowned, "Yeah. . .I suppose. . ."

Zelda pointed her finger at him, "You suppose? Suppose what?"

Suddenly a change came over Groose, who started to get this weird smile, "I. . .suppose. . .you. . .Er. . ." You laughed slightly at his actions, which suddenly snapped him out of it, "Pfft! Forget it. I wasn't supposing anything, OK?" He turned on his heels, not wanting to face Zelda anymore, "OK, we're outta here, boys. Later, Link! Hope you find your bird, or else you're gonna have to sit out today's race! That could be a major setback toward knighthood, so find that bird or get real used to the taste of failure! It's your special flavor." With that last insult, Groose and his stooges leapt off the platform and onto their loftwings, laughing.

Link sighed, "Oh he is so going down!"

Zelda stared at the bullies as they flew away, "I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to suspect that those blockheads had something to do with your loftwing's disappearance."

"We know they did," You spoke, rubbing your neck, "I overheard their conversation about catching his bird."


One of these days I'm gonna pound Groose into the ground! Most of the time when he bullies me I just ignore him, but this time he has gone too far! No one messes with my bird! I'm just really thankful ___ is helping me out. I know I can always trust her.


From what I've heard so far, Link is in a bit of trouble. And of course ____'s heroic actions haven't gone unnoticed. She should be promoted to a knight already. She certainly has the heart of one. I guess I'll do some snooping around for the both of them. In fact I see Fledge over there... Maybe he's got something to say about all this...


Sheesh... ____ never could pick her fights. I'll admit it's rather attractive in a woman, but she's in over her head. Even if they do find Link's bird, it won't make much of a difference. I'm still going to win this race!

Demon Lord Ghirahim

Everything is in order and set in motion. Now if I can only get that little goddess alone among the clouds. My magic will do the rest...

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