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It was too difficult to see! Even through the transparent platform. All you could do was watch the shadows and listen to the sounds of battle. The horde had been defeated by the knights of skyloft, and now all anyone could do was watch and wait for the victor... You gasped as a dark figure was suddenly thrown from the platform, but before he could meet his terrible end another platform appeared below him. He landed with a hard grunt, the wind clearly knocked from him. At the same time the other opponent leapt from the top platform down to the fallen man.

This torture continued several times before they were low enough to recognize. To your joy you spotted Link only several feet above the pit now, fired by the heat of battle and hardly injured. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw Ghirahim. The demon lord had transformed his figure through the flames. He was now taller, more muscular, and black like ebony. He looked more like a man made out of burnished obsidian with a bright red ruby slowly emerging beneath his skin like magma where his heart should've been. With every strike Link made, more of the ruby could be seen, which was clearly his weak point.

They had made it down to the bottom of the pit, this time Ghirahim wielded both of his deadly black sabers. In rage, Ghirahim managed to clip his opponent, but it was his rage which lead to his defeat. With one last blow, Link thrust his sword into the demon lord, knocking him back. The golden barriers disintegrated, freeing you from your prison. A cry of victory rose to the skies from the knights surrounding the pit. You ran over to Link with open arms, embracing him with all your worries washing away in his blood and sweat. Neither one of you wanted to let each other go, just clinging to the life you were so thankful to have was enough.

Ghirahim's breath came in short gasps as he clutched his chest, "This...This is preposterous. Driven to my knees by a simple child of man. Laughable! No matter how many times we clash, I can't prevail! You think I can't defeat you? You think I can't win?? Boy...What are you?"

Link let go of you and faced Ghirahim who was about ready to collapse, "This is what happens when you mess with the balance of life. Good always wins... Especially when you doubt the decisions of a goddess. You can't defeat the chosen heroes."

To Link's surprise the demon lord chuckled, his familiar charm returning, "Ah...but there you are wrong boy. Victory is still mine to savor. While we fought, the ritual I started still continued... At last, it's complete! The demon King shall devour the soul of the goddess and resurrect in his full glory!"

Your joy was immediately replaced with horror at the thought as you glanced up at the sky. Everything had grown darker and the glow surrounding Zelda had increased in magnitude. The earth trembled beneath your feet, and an explosion of boulders and hot air burst from beneath the sealing spike. The monster you fought so hard to retain emerged from the ground in a swirling cloud of black smoke. Opening it's jaws, it began to suck in a deep breath of golden light... Zelda's soul!

Ghirahim finally found the strength to stand and behold the horror, "Don't you see? It's all over! You and your kind have lost! This world and everything in it now belong to darkness! They belong to my master!"

The goddess' screams of agony could be heard from miles away as her soul was devoured by the imprisoned. The wind kicked in with all it's might, threatening to lift you off your feet. A haze of purple enveloped you, clouding your vision from anything near the pit. Clinging to Link, you buried your face in his chest as the light grew immensely. All you wanted was for this nightmare to cease! And as suddenly as it came... it stopped. Everything seemed normal, but in your gut you could feel a dark presence that invaded your mind. Probing your thoughts.

Taking a risk, you looked behind you and your eyes went wide with fear. A massive figure plated with thick scaly skin and a devilish smile stared into your soul. His black pits of eyes threatened to swallow you out of existence. His hair, like fire billowed behind him as if some unknown breeze ruffled it. The demon king had returned.

"Welcome back to us, Master!" Ghirahim found the strength to take a deep bow in respect.

The demon king turned slowly towards him, and spoke in a deep threatening voice, "You fool! What made you think you or this whelp could ever deserve such a position at my side?!"

Ghirahim looked up in surprise, mixed with a bit of anger, "What!?"

A flash of light struck Ghirahim, knocking him down as the king thundered over his minion, "Can't you sense it, boy?! She reeks of fear!" He struck him again, this time with a stronger bolt.

Ghirahim screamed in agony as the electricity traveled through his body. When it ceased, he managed to catch his breath on his hands and knees, "She has strength and courage... And you can not have either without fear... Nor honor without courage."

"And there emerges your biggest weakness, my boy... Your human heart still clamors for a place in your mind! I should've removed all those instincts from you at first light, but then I couldn't have taught you to hate... You are unworthy of the power you have gained. Unworthy of your title as a Demon Lord, and unworthy of a place in my new world!"

Your mind tried it's best to grasp the situation before you as Ghirahim griped with his master, "You would be dead if it weren't for me!"

With fervency, the demon king reached into Ghirahim's chest and grasped the unveiled ruby, ripping it out of his flesh. The demon lord's cries lasted only moments before his form changed back into his pale human appearance and he collapsed into the dust. With Ghirahim's consciousness slipping away, the demon king knelt beside him, sneering, "And so I make you my slave," He squeezed the pulsating heart in his grip, causing Ghirahim to curl up in agony, "As your human heart has enslaved you. I will not kill you, but leave you in the hands of your enemies... They seems to have various scores to settle with you." In a flash of light the heart became decor in the hilt of a mighty blade, and Ghirahim's eyes closed in ragged consciousness.

The demon king turned to face you, delighting in the courageous fear in your eyes, "So you are the chosen knights of the goddess..." He looked up at the limp figure of Zelda, her body now pale and draining of life, "Intriguing... the goddess lowered herself to a mortal existence to keep me imprisoned. How pathetic. This bag of flesh pales in comparison to the magnificence of her previous form." With a flick of his hand, Zelda went flying to the earth below.

Both you and Link gasped, knowing you weren't able to reach her in time...


NO! ZELDA!!!!! That crafty devil! I didn't even think that the spell could still go on without Ghirahim controlling it! I guess we've finally seen who the real threat is all along. Ghirahim was just his lackey! Someone this demon king used to get what he wanted! And now I don't even know if we'll be victorious! This threat scares me, but I can't let him know that! We must defeat him!!


*running like crazy at the moment* I've got to catch her!!!!!!!!


*slipping out of consciousness* After all I've done to get here... to get HIM here!!! He strikes me down and takes my heart! He's made me a slave! There was never any partnership, just his greed. I should've seen it coming. My identity is gone... I don't feel anything... Not even when I look at ___. Being turned over to Link's kin was the last thing I expected... and now they'll kill me. Slowly. painfully. And I'll never see that hope in her eyes again... Seems to be a fair death for a demon lord...


Zelda!!!!! Her...soul!! What kind of a demon is this monster?! He'll do more than just destroy every last living thing, he'll replace them with evil! We have to stop him!!

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