Know Your Enemy

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Armed with a sword that you borrowed from the sparring hall, you crept behind Link as he approached an enormous stone door hidden around strands of ivy. When you had followed Link down to the surface, you never imagined how wild it was, and was thankful for the sword at your side. With little effort, Link pushed open the doors and entered the ancient temple. Before the doors swung shut, you ran over and put your foot in the opening. Sticking your head slightly inside the temple you saw Link illuminated in sunlight, and he seemed to be conversing with someone. It was difficult to make out their words, so you decided to creep inside. Hiding behind one of the stone pillars, you watched as Link walked over to the side of the temple and disappeared behind another set of doors.

Determined not to loose him, you tried to slink past whoever he was talking to at the end of the temple. Just as you reached the other set of doors, an old voice stopped you, "I knew you wouldn't be far behind."

Glancing back at the figure who sat in the beam of sunlight, you cautiously walked over to it, "You knew I was here?"

The figure turned into an old woman sitting indian style on the temple floor. She laughed, "It was only a matter of time before the next great hero would appear. 'Slinking to avoid the light she will follow the goddess's chosen hero.'" She seemed to recite ancient words.

"The next great hero?" You questioned.

The woman nodded, "What is your name child?"

"____." You responded hesitantly, "What do you want?"

"Just to inform you that your destiny may not be as bleak as you may think." The woman smiled, her long golden braid swung back and forth in front of her face, "I will not tell you your destiny. It is yours to figure out for yourself. Keep following your friend Link, for it will soon be revealed." She waved her hand towards the doors Link disappeared through.

"That's all you have to say to me?" You asked. The woman just nodded, "Follow the beacon of blue light and you will find him."

Still hesitant about the whole situation, you jogged over to the doors and pushed your way through. That was a little weird. You thought. Looking into the sky, you saw a blue stream of light iahead just as the old woman said. The other thing was, you couldn't see Link anywhere, so you had no choice but to follow the beacon.

You journeyed through Faron woods by yourself, with no trace of Link, still following the beacon. It was rather nerve wracking because of so many different kinds of monsters that wanted to hack you to bits, but the beacon lead you to an old temple, and you had no choice but to enter. Your instincts were on red alert as you encountered spiders the size of your loftwing, and green, drooling monsters that braced spiked clubs. To your surprise it was getting easier to get them out of your way. You grew stronger with every monster you encountered, but nothing could compare to what you'd face next.

As you journeyed deeper into the temple the same symbol appeared everywhere. A red 3-D diamond which seemed to be the keys to unlocking the secrets of the temple. Something deep inside of you said it was the mark of someone sinister...

A little bit scraped up from your monster encounters, you approached a large gold inlaid door with what looked like a giant keyhole in the center. Examining the door, you tried to force it open, but it wouldn't budge. You sighed, "I wish it wasn't locked." Taking your dagger, you forced it into the keyhole, hoping you would jimmy the strange lock. To your surprise, something clicked and the doors swung open. A bit surprised, you walked inside cautiously, using every one of your senses to detect even the smallest amount of life. You emerged into a circular room with no windows and a single door. Suddenly the doors behind you swung shut and clicked, locking you inside. Something about this room felt off and you were on edge.

A bright flash of golden light appeared in front of you, and you covered your eyes. When you opened them, you saw a tall figure garbed in white and crimson standing before you bracing a black saber. His back was to you, but he seemed to notice he wasn't alone. His saber vanished into thin air and he spoke with a voice like silk, but with a certain evil, "Look who it is?" He turned to face you with a grin, "I was expecting the other sky child," He looked you over with his sly grin, "but I'm not disappointed." he glanced back at the door behind him, "Yes, I think I can spare a few moments."

You knew deep inside you that something about him was certainly against what Link was fighting for, and you held your head high to show no fear.

His smile widened at your reaction, "Oh, but listen to me. I'm being positively uncivil. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Demon Lord who presides over this land you call the surface. You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy." He sauntered over to you, still looking you over, "And what about you? What do you prefer to called?"

You grabbed the hilt of your sword, "And why would I tell you that?"

He started to circle you as he laughed with an evil charm, "I guess your right. Why should I ask what I already know, right, ____?"

You didn't take your eyes off of him, but he quickly started to become more dangerous than you thought, "How do you know my name?" You scowled. He just laughed as he continued to circle you, getting ever closer. You were getting tense in his presence, "Were you responsible for sending Zelda down here?"

"Perhaps," he got ever closer, "By all rights, the girl should have fallen into our hands already, and she was almost, until..." He finally turned away from you, clenching his fists, "That loathsome servant of the goddess snatched her away. Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside?"

The lighting in the room began to flicker different colors as he burned out his emotions, "Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!" He disappeared in an array of colored diamonds, "This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed."

His voice echoed around the room, and you turned left and right to look for him. His sudden actions made you realize just how dangerous this man was. Your heart beat even faster as you felt his hot breath on your neck.

"Still... it hardly seems fair, being of my position, to take my anger out on such an exquisite flower." You suddenly felt him lick your neck with a snake-like tongue.

Cringing, you jerked away from him, drawing your sword. Ghirahim laughed as he shook his head, "You really just drew your sword. Foolish girl. Very well, challenge me if you dare." He laughed harder as his cloak melted away


Whew... the surface is a lot different than I thought. Wild, but beautiful in some ways. ____ would've loved this! Maybe after all this is over, I can bring her down here. Oh... that's if I can really complete this quest without dying! I have to admit, the adrenaline I get going through this temple is exhilarating! Hmmm? This door is unlocked? And I went through all that trouble to get that stupid key!?!?


As usual, everyone is on edge... And I haven't seen Link or even ___ in any of our classes today... I wonder where they could've run off to? Eh... Probably nothing big. There are a lot of search parties out there for Zelda. They are probably out looking for her.


I guess a small flight around the clouds will do me good... And I can look for Zelda at the same time. I know I could get in trouble for skipping class, but it's not like I see Link or ____ being studious!


Well, I must say I wasn't expecting two sky children to come into my domain... Not like this girl is anywhere near a child. I'm so close to victory, I can spare a few entertaining moments. Let's see how well she stands up to me in combat? I'll make it interesting for her... *grins*

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