The Imprisoned

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"What do we do?!" You yelled to Link as the first shockwave rumbled under your feet from the first step the Imprisoned took.

"What else!?" Link drew his sword and charged head on towards the monster's feet and started slashing at it's leg. To his surprise, Link's sword skidded easily off the monster's hide, "He's covered in thick plates! I can't get to his skin!"

The behemoth took another slow step up the spiral ramp, and the shockwave threw Link back into the rocks. You sucked in your fear and charged at his feet, slashing at his white toes. To your surprise your sword easily went through the flesh, and the toes exploded.

"Ugh!" You spat as white tissue from the toes splattered all over you. The monster had slowed down to a limp at the loss of his toes, but still pushed forward.

"That's it!" Link cried, "Get the toes!"

Within the next few minutes of heart stopping action both you and Link slashed at the feet of the Imprisoned, covering yourself in white gooey tissue. As the last toe exploded, the behemoth gave out a bellowing cry and started to fall backwards.

"Look out!" Link tumbled into you pushing you out of the way just before the Imprisoned hit the ground unconscious.

"What do we do now?" You said in huffed gasps as you ran over to its head.

Link stood in front of its massive head, "I don't..." He saw the sealing spike sticking out of its forehead and started to hit it with all his force. With each hit the spike was driven deeper into the beast's skull.

With a rumble, the Imprisoned gained consciousness and somehow got back onto his feet. To your surprise each one of his toes had grown back, and the sealing spike had been pushed back out of its head once more.

Your heart had not stopped racing since the beginning of this battle, but this time it seemed to thump even harder as you and Link repeated the process again, causing the monster to fall backwards again. This time after you beat the spike back into its skull, it rose again but instead of standing back upright it fell forwards and barreled up the ramp like a worm and it didn't seem to stop. As you ran after it, you realized there was no way you could catch it on foot.

"____!" The old woman screamed to you, "Take out the heroine's harp!"

"WHAT?" You yelled. There was no way music was going to help at a time like this.

"Take out the harp and break it over your knee!" She yelled to you.

"WHAT?! I..."

"Just do as Grannie says, ___!" Groose screamed at you.

Feeling overly confused you took out your harp, and after a short breath broke it over your knee. To your surprise, the wood collapsed into a short but powerful bow, and the strings turned into arrows (Yes, magic is involved). You suddenly had a plan, Taking the hot gust of wind up to the next level above you, you readied your bow at the charging behemoth.

"___! Get out of the way!" Link cried to you from the lower level.

You sucked in a breath, standing your ground and let three arrows fly. Each one hit its mark, and the seal was driven back into the Imprisoned's head. With a great roar, it thrashed about on the ground and lay stiff. In a blast of hot air and black scale plates, the Imprisoned disappeared and the sealing spike returned to the bottom of the pit.

Your heart still beat faster than a drum as you raced down to Link who charged his sword with holy light and put the seal back in its place.

"Nice going ___." Link turned to you.

You still were breathing heavily, "Thanks, you too."

You stared at each other for a long time before the old woman came down to you, "Though the Imprisoned had only just begun to awaken, I'm impressed how quickly you were able to restore the seal. But it is still a horror of unspeakable power. The seal could still give way again soon. In order to awaken the Gate of Time and find Zelda, you must first grow together. In each of the provinces of this land a sacred flame is hidden. You must purify your weapons in their heat, and only then will they have the great power to awaken the gate. Clues to finding the flames are in the lyrics of the Ballad of the Goddess."

You started to breath more normally now, and tried to remember the words to the old song people would sing around Skyloft. Someone had interrupted your thoughts, "I hate sayin' this, but... I guess everything's figured out." Groose shrugged his shoulders as he walked back up to the temple, "Me, well, there's nothin' I can do to help. I'm useless."

You sighed, "Groose, wait!" You ran after him as Link talked to the old woman. You easily caught up to him at the top of the temple, "You aren't useless! You shouldn't talk like that!"

Groose turned on you, "What I should start lying? Look I know it's the truth! Sure I boast about how nobody can beat Groose! Well you know what? It's all a front just to impress you! Now will you just leave me alone and go save the world with your boyfriend or somethin'!"

Your jaw hung as he stormed away into the woods beside the temple. Link came up beside you, "What was that all about?"

You lowered your eyes, "Nothing. He just needs to cool off..."

"Well, I figured out where we have to go in Skyloft. And we should probably clean up a bit." He gestured to the gooey tissue plastered over the both of you from the fight.

You managed a smile as Link prepared to fly back to Skyloft. You just wished you could make Groose cheer up a bit.


I must admit it felt good, taking on the imprisoned with ___. She is quite good with figuring out how to take down an enemy. I always felt safe... well remotely safe with her guarding my back as we fought together. I'm not exactly sure what Groose was going on about... He doesn't look too good. I really wish he hadn't followed us down here, but... I think back to when I didn't want ___ down here as well, and she proved out to be the next hero. I guess I can cut some slack for Groose...


Well, things are starting to heat up around here. A lot! Now Groose has also disappeared. Weather he is with ___ and Link is another question, but the Headmaster is trying to tell us all not to worry. It's just that everyone is so confused! Oh... And I kinda... broke and asked Karane out... I just felt so bad for her you know? All I do is reject every date she's asked me on! I just don't feel right... Especially when I think of ___. Oh, goddess what should I do?


If I'm not the goddess' chosen hero, then... why am I down here? I can't exactly do much... And apparently ___ is another hero too! Well, fine! I let them save the world together! They've always deserved each other, anyway... Not like I even come close to deserving ___'s affection... *sigh* I've never been more confused about my life...


This may be the end of my master's first attempt to escape his bonds, but he will continue to grow stronger, even in bondage! Although, I was able to learn something even more interesting about ___. She is excellent in battle. She may not have the strength of a man, but what she lacks physically (Not that she is lacking in certain areas *sly grin*) she makes up for with her mind. Oh, the intelligence that surges through her! The way she can predict the enemy's movements with a keen eye and know when to strike! Oh ho... it's almost paralyzing! So many... 'human' thoughts and ideas are racing through my head. I can't wait any longer to put my plan into motion, but I know I must be patient and have them come to me. Then I can finally separate them!

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