Chapter 1: Leave

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Riza had never been the motherly type. She was never one to stop in her tracks and entertain small children who she happened to pass by. Truth be told, she scared the living daylights out of them. Even in civillian clothes she managed to look threatening.

But fate was so cruel. After two weeks of feeling nausea and sickness, she had to accept the horrific conclusion that she, Riza Hawkeye, the cadet who excelled in everything from paperwork to battle, the woman who could shoot ten different holes in a man before he could blink, the strict, no-nonsense woman who hated any form of laziness... was pregnant.

Riza buried her head in her hands as she tried to suppress a sob. 'This can't be happening...' she thought. Try as she may, a tear eventually managed to break free from her eyes and it rolled down her cheek.

The dam broke.

She cried in frustration at her inability to stop her tears. But she couldn't help it, could she? She was single and she never even remembered doing it with someone. The thought of going through pregnancy alone was frightening, even for her. She didn't know who this child's father was. She thought she was always careful. She had never let a man get close to her. She always made a two meter radius distance between them and if one of them happened to go past that invisible line, she would shoot them.

So why did she end up pregnant? She never even remembered spending time with anyone for the past two weeks. Everything was all about work. Work. Work. Work. Why is she pregnant?!

For a moment, she wanted to go to a specialist and do an abortion. This child would be nothing but trouble for her. She knew that this would never work out. She never wanted children. She didn't know how to deal with a small child, much less a baby. No. She wanted it out of her.

But... it would be unfair for the child. She can't believe that she, who was so against abortion before, was contemplating on doing one now. If she were to keep the child, would it even survive in her care? She was alone in all of this. (Well, she had Rebecca but she was usually unreliable) But no matter how anyone would look at it, the child was innocent in all of this.

Riza desperately wiped at her tears and went over to the bathroom to wash her face. She was going to work in an hour and she wouldn't want anyone to see any evidence that she'd been crying. She had to try and push these thoughts to the back of her mind and try to go to work with her usual stoic face.

Maybe she could ask her commanding officer if she could take a leave. Just say that it was for training or taking a break or something, or training. Yeah. Training. For a whole year. Yeah, right. As if he would believe that. But that didn't mean that she couldn't try, right?


"Leave?" Colonel Alvis asked as he took the papers handed to him.

"Yes sir." Riza said in her usual military tone.

Alvis looked over her application and he caught sight of something. He sweatdropped at it and showed the paper to the cadet. "Training? For a year?"

Riza's mouth twitched. She didn't have a choice. She didn't have any family members that she could visit and she rarely made any friends. Training was the best excuse she could come up with. She cleared her throat and answered. "Yes, sir. Training. I believe I'm getting rusty at my skills."

"What are you talking about? You're fresh out of the academy."

Riza lowered her head. "Please sir. I need to train myself for the war."

Alvis sighed. "War? Those are just rumors. Those small skirmishes in Ishval aren't going to evolve into something like... like a civil war. You're way too..."

"But sir, wouldn't it be better if I was prepared?"

"Yeah but... you're a cadet. I mean, you're practically a kid. I doubt the military would send someone like you for a war. Trust me kid, you're better off not going. Wars aren't pretty to look at."

"Sir, please. I want to do this. You'll be fine without me here, right?" Riza said.

"Well... the absence of one cadet won't really matter much but... but... a year? Without you? Do you think that's a good idea? You know you're the only one that's keeping our office afloat. My other subordinates aren't exactly helpful." Alvis said uncertainly as he looked over the application again.

"Don't worry, sir. If I find the office messy and piled high with unfinished work when I get back, I would would shoot every single one of them for you until they deflate from blood loss." Riza said with a creepy smile.

Alvis grinned evilly at that and he signed the papers in front of him. "I like the way you think, Cadet. I'll be sure to have you promoted after you show me the results of your training." He handed the papers to Riza.

Riza took the papers from him and started to walk towards the door.

"Thank you sir. I'll be taking my leave now. And..." she turned back to look at the Colonel. "Be sure to tell them about our deal and keep everything in order until I get back, okay?" Riza cocked her gun and gave him a small salute as she left.

Colonel Alvis chuckled. He liked that girl's spirit. The military needed more people like her.


Riza sighed and picked up her bag that contained most of her belongings. She was finally here in her friend Rebecca's house. She was the only one who knew about her condition and she offered her to stay with her for the duration of her leave. Her old family house was just at the outskirts of East City. A train ride was necessary, despite it's closeness to the city.

She couldn't take a car with her. She had to make the the others believe that she was going somewhere far. She didn't exactly tell them where she was going but they said they were going to see her off so the train was her only choice. Oh well...

Riza absentmindedly placed her hand on her flat stomach and looked outside the carriage she was riding on. For the first time in her life, she had no idea what to do.

'I hope I made the right decision...'

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