Chapter 6: Recruitment

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2 years later...

Roy Mustang frowned as he read the words that were written on the file in his hand. He had received new orders from one of the higher ups regarding the new State Alchemist Program. Apparently, he was to go and fetch a talented Alchemist. He didn't know who it would be or where they hailed from. He was just annoyed that he was the one who had been handed the job.

He had more important things to attend to. The bastards who were higher up were aware of that. There were plenty of other soldiers, other State Alchemists even, who could do the job.

Without even flipping to the next page to see who it was, he put the file down and rubbed his temples. He could feel a headache coming on. It would be bad if he got angry now.

Letting out a breath, he leaned back on his chair and stared at the door of his office. He might as well get this over with. The sooner they met up with the possible State Alchemist candidate, the sooner he would be back and the sooner he could finish the paperwork that was supposed to be due the week before.

He cleared his throat and called out, "Hawkeye, could you come in here for a moment?"

Not five seconds later, a knock was heard on his door and it opened. Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye entered his office with her usual stoic face, which immediately turned to a slight frown at the sight of piled up folders and papers on her commanding officer's desk.

Roy stuttered nervously. "I-I know, I know. I'll w-work on them. But first..."

He picked up the file he had been reading earlier to show it to Riza. "We have orders. Well, I have orders. You're coming along with me."

Riza said nothing but she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Apparently, I have to meet up with an alchemist that the higher ups have their eyes on. A possible candidate for the State Alchemist program." Roy told her, looking for any signs of displeasure on Riza's face.

He found none.

But he was sure that the lack of reaction didn't mean that she was looking forward to it either.

He sighed internally. Riza had never shown any outward emotion ever since what happened to their son. Edward's death had changed her and the war only finished her off. Sometimes Roy just wished she would take off her mask and let out what she was feeling, like that night years ago when she told him about Edward.

He supposed there were different ways people used to cope, this apparently, being Riza's. It didn't mean he approved of it, however. Sure, she had been known to be silent and efficient when it came to work but before everything, she only did that during office hours. When not on duty, she would shed her emotionless mask and transform into a completely different person. Now, however, her stoic face never came off. He had been trying to get her to talk or smile more but it was starting to feel like that feat would be impossible.

As much as Riza would like to say that she was moving on, her actions clearly said otherwise. She was more withdrawn. Hugely different from her initial shyness when he had been her father's apprentice. Back then, she didn't talk often but he could clearly see that she was happy and content. Now... now her silence made him uneasy. Aside from the usual scowls of displeasure at his unit's behavior, she rarely showed any other expression on her face.

He had to change that somehow. He would try as many times as he could. He had to get her out of her slump.

They had been through so much together. She had been his friend. She was one of his subordinates. Hell, she had become the mother of his child. It didn't matter that Edward was gone or that they didn't really feel romantically about each other. A person couldn't just walk away from all that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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