Chapter 7: Sleepover?

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That same night (I'm wondering what to do nowadays so this chapter might be lame/ cheezy)

Itona finished eating the parfait since he said it was pretty good. Itona and Kelly both sat awkwardy, and Itona's eyes shined happily, without any fire in his eyes like before. He also kept smiling, which Kelly found as his charming part.

"To be honest, why didn't you tell me about your tentacles?" Kelly asks, knowing it was a sensitive subject but asked it anyways.

"Well, I would say that telling you that I had tentacles was like asking you out... I mean like... Like it would be weird and I was kind of afraid you wouldn't like me. My tentacles told me to kill Koro-sensei, which is the reason why I had ignored you during the fight..." Itona says.

"Well, it's okay." Kelly says and giggles as Itona blushes furiously for some reason. "..."

"Do you have a place to live by the way? Your gaurdian did... Ah... Leave you." Kelly says and waves at the air, mimicking how Itona's gaurdian bounced away. "No..." Itona says slowly and finishes his parfait.

Kelly licked her lips and thought about the situation. "I would like to invite you over to my house but I don't think my parents will let me..."

At Kelly's house

"Hi mom, dad." Kelly enters the house, Itona right behind her.

"Hello honey, ah, who's this?" Kelly's mom asks Kelly. There was a distant noise of the Kelly's father taking a shower. "Ah, he's my friend. Did you hear about that explosion? Well, that was actually... Er, I mean like that was where he lived and so I was wondering if he could stay over." Kelly says and shrugs nonchalantly.

"Oh dear. I guess he can stay, does he have any parents?" Kelly's mother asks and Kelly tenses. "W-weeeellll... About that, it's complicated." Kelly quickly explains and shurgs again. "Okay I guess. He can stay... In the guest room. No funny moves too, Kelly." her mother says and enters her own room.

"Pfft, I don't know what she's talking about." Kelly says and guides Itona to the extra bedroom.

"Well, here's your room. It's spacey but there should be clothes in the closet and you can take a bath. After me." Kelly says and quickly enters her rooms and sighs.

Kelly was blushing as she took a shower and put on a nightgown. It was a different one from the one she wore at the paradise island.

She walked around the house aimlessly, knowing Itona was taking a shower currently and she kind of felt uncomfortable about her lover, being inside her house and sleeping in a room right next to hers. (In me opinion, that would awkward)

Suddenly, the door to the restroom opened and Itona came out with his shirt off and quickly went back in when he saw Kelly standing near. "What." Kelly thought and blushed a bright red. (LOL I had to add that)

Kelly went into her room and heard the distant noise of Itona exiting the bathroom, then entering the room next to her. Kelly went out of her room and knocked lightly. "Yeah?" Itona's voice sounded from the other side. (Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiiiidee! I had to add that too)

"Um, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Kelly asks and there was a silent reply.

"Hold on." Itona finally says and opens the door, wearing blue striped pajamas.

"Eh? Er, anyways, do you want anything to eat?" Kelly asks and again and Itona nods. "But I would like water. That's it." Itona says and they walk downstairs.


Kelly stayed in her room, satisfied that she could make Itona comfortable. Probably. There was the distant sound of thunder and something beated against Kelly's window. She ignored it, thinking it was just rain until the beating was a little more violent.

Kelly got up and looked out the window to find a slight shadow. She opened her window and Itona popped in, closed the window, and started huddling in the corner.

"Uh... Itona? What are you doing?" Kelly asks Itona and he shudders. "Ahhmmmmm... I'm actually scared of thunder..." Itona says.

"Yeah, okay, but you could've walked through the hallway, not outside where the rain is." Kelly says and sighs. "Yeah, but your parents are like at the stairs and they would've seen me walk to your room." Itona says. "Pfftt... Whatever. Well, you can sleep on the floor." Kelly says, about to get a blanket set on the floor when lightning flashed outside, followed by a loud thunder.

Itona quickly jumped into Kelly's bed and hid under the covers. Kelly sighs, "Well, fine. But no funny moves." Kelly says and puts the blanket on the floor anyways, in case she had to kick him out. No funny moves, that includes you Kelly! Kelly told herself and walked to her bed and Itona stayed on the right side, Kelly on the left.

(Oh yeah, to lazy to mention any details but you got a lamp in your room which is how you're able to see in your room :)) (Okay, time for some fun, *evil laugh* Ahhh-ha-ha-ha... ;) Idk anymore)

Kelly couldn't really sleep with Itona in the bed next to her. He hadn't done anything but kept flinching when thunder sounded. "Ah, Itona, I can't go to sleep with you on the bed." Kelly finally says and pulls the cover off of her. "You keep shaking the matress. So, I'm going to sleep on the floor." Kelly adds and feels Itona clutch the hem of her nightgown.

"Fine." Kelly says and hops back in bed, facing Itona, but his face was still buried in the covers. She turned around and felt Itona wrap his arms around her abdomen, and she felt her back against Itona's chest. Itona breathed on Kelly's neck and Kelly shuddered in delight. (Wait... In delight? Oh well ;) )

Kelly didn't do much but Itona started licking her neck and kissed the side of her neck, make her blush hard.

He continued doing the gesture, (NOT A LEMON BTW) and hugged her tightly. Kelly made a slight whimper and Itona then just kept hugging her.

Kelly was blushing the whole time but tried not to sound as if she enjoyed it. (Again, NOT A LEMON!)

He then sounded fast asleep and Kelly turned around, and removed his arms around her body and clutched them in her hands, facing Itona. "Good night Itona." Kelly mumbled and fell asleep, her face close to Itona's.

*Blushes* Well, first time I went that far. LOLOLOL... I feel so weird AACKKKK! So, I'm wondering what's everyone's fist impression of a title that says it's a lemon? Lol, I actually read a lemon on accident. Like I was young, and I was reading some fanfictions and I didn't know what a lemon was and I was just reading what I could find in the suggestion list and I came upon that certain book. Scarred for life x.x Weeeeeeeeell, hoped you enjoyed this chapter ;) *Winky face*

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