Chapter 6: can you hear me?

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In the morning a guard told me to follow him. As I got closer I heard lots of laughter and different voices. I walked through the doors and there were a handful of different kids! 

"Hey Thomas! We weren't the only maze!" Minho said

They were all happy to have food. They were happy to have there friends and be away from that maze. There were even girls! Wait speaking of girls, maybe Teresa's here! I spin fully around, my eyes skin thought the room. I don't see her anywhere! I hope she's ok! 

I sit down at a table with Newt, Minho, Fry Pan, Winston and these other boys. They start explaining to us about this kid. I look over their shoulder and look at him. He's all alone with his hood up. I wonder what's wrong with him I think to myself. 

"His maze was full of girls! He's been here the longest... About a week!" The boy says

"That lucky shank!" Minho whispers

I look over again and see he's gone. I feel someone tap my shoulder. 

I turn around, "Hey! My names Aris!" He says

"Uh hi. My names Thomas!" I say holding my hand out. 

"I think you wa-" he's cut of by the Rat Man himself. He walks to the front of the room and starts calling names. "Where are they going?" I ask

"I'll show later ok?" Aris says as he walks away.

"Uh ok." I say to myself.

The Rat Man leaves with the group of kids in the direction of the window. When I look through it I see Teresa! I jump out of my seat and towards the window.

"Teresa!" I scream

"Teresa!" I say again as she turns around. But, I run into a guard.

"Hey kid. Your not aloud back there. She'll be fine!" He said 

"What are they doing to her?" I ask

"Just some tests." He replies "Now sit down!"

I start walking back when I turn around and charge at him.

I reach behind him and grab his keycard. He pushes me back as the other hold me back from the fight.

"Why won't you let me see her!" I scream

Aris runs up to hold me down too. As we walk back to the table, Newt breaks the silence.

"What was that for Tommy?" He whispers

I pull the keycard from my pocket and look up at him. 

"It was kinda my plan." I wink at him

"Screaming?" He asked

"No, that wasn't supposed to happen." I say smiling 

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