Little One

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I whimpered as I tried to shift. They didn't understand that I was hurt, and that they were scaring me.

"Shift!" he yelled at me again. As I tried again, I realized that the second man was contacting their Alpha. I also knew that they had to be men of power, like a Beta or a third-in-command. My train of thought; however, was interrupted by the most amazing scent of White Pine and newly fallen snow.

"Mine!" I heard a man shout. I tried looking up, but the pain was unbearable. I felt myself being picked up and heard someone say,

"My Little One." just before I fainted.


Let me explain how I got into this mess


My name is Aura Saunio. I'm from a long line of Italian werewolves. I know, I know, who's ever heard of such a thing, but where do you think that white wolves originated from. In America, I'm considered rare, and powerful, but in Italy, any wolf of color, is shunned, forced to become a rogue. My current pack Umbra Diem, or Shadow Day, was formed on the Solar Eclipse. They like to abuse me, but it's not that bad. They take their frustration out on me, and in return, I get a place to stay and food to eat.

I decided that I had had enough when the Beta started touching me in places that I shouldn't be touched. I kneed him where no man should be kneed and ran. I shifted into my wolf, Caelum, when I realized that we were no longer on pack territory. We weren't looking where we were going, and felt the earth fall beneath us. There was a sharp drop-off right underneath us. When we reached the bottom, we could barely move.

About sunset, I heard voices, and realized that there was a patrol nearby. I yipped and barked trying to get their attention. I heard them walking towards me so I knew that me efforts were not in vain. When I felt a powerful presence, I knew I was in trouble. Now, I am in my current predicament. All I knew was that I was the Little One.


Here are the requirements/requests for this story:

-The male is named and is of pack royalty, the Lycanthropes.

-You may change Aura's name, but it must still be within her Italian bloodlines.

-Aura is a white wolf.

-When going into Aura's past, the pack is only semi-abusive, and she is only sexually harassed by the Beta the one time before she runs away.

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