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I blushed and looked down at the floor.
"Awww so you do! It's so cute! I'm definitely gonna hook you two up!"
She basically screamed while jumping up and down.
"Don't be so loud!" I said laughing.
She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, making us both laugh even more.
"I don't know...maybe... I mean he is really handsome but I don't really know him that much." I admitted.
She smiled so big I was a little worried about her.
"Then you gonna get to know him" she hit my arm playfully. I giggled a bit.

"So are you liking anyone?" I smirked at her.
"Actually I have a boyfriend ..but nobody om set knows about us.." she said.
"Who is it?!?!? I mean if you want to tell me if not I would totally understand it but.." she interrupted me by laughing.
"It's okay I will tell you" she giggled.
"Okay who is it then" I asked really excited.
"It's Lionel Ferro"
"Oh he plays Nico right? That's so cute! Thank you for trusting me. I won't tell anyone" I hugged her tight.
We pulled away and smiled wide.
"I won't tell anyone about your little crush on-"
At the exact moment Karol was about to say his name the door opened and all the boys came out and stared at us.
We looked back at them wide eyed.

"Talking about crushes? Who is it then?" Ruggero smirked.
"Uhm... yeah... I-I have a crush on.."I looked at Karol for help but she didn't have an idea either.
"Uhm... Calum Hood?" Karol added more of a question.
"Right..yeah that's my crush.." I said and I wasn't really lying. I have a crush on him.
"Really?" Michael asked obviously not convinced.
"Yeah of course why would we lie to you?" I said slightly blushing out of embarrassment.
"Well why did you have to leave us for your talk then?" Agustin asked raising his eyebrow, a huge smirk placed on his face.
"Uhmm.. because.." I began but had no clue what to say so I glanced over to Karol again.
"Uhmm.. we ..uhh... Ana thinks you are all really handsome and she wanted to tell me" she smiled at them and then at me like I would appreciate what she just said.
I mean it was true but why would she tell them?!
"What the hell Karol?" I wisper-yelled at her.
The boys just laughed at us.
"It was the best I could think of" she wispered back to me so only I could hear her.
"Well thank you" I answered.

"So Ana.." Ruggero began, oh shoot here we go...
"You think we are handsome?" He smirked as Michael and Agustin did the same.
"Apparently" I answered while glancing to Karol who was really amused.
"Well thank you for that, it's really cute" he added.
"Thanks" I answered slightly blushing so I looked at the ground.

"I think we should get something to eat" I said trying ro change the subject.
"Oh we are not done yet" Ruggero chuckled "but we can talk about it at lunch"he winked at me and walked off we all followed. I waited for Karol and we walked a bit behind the boys.

We have to talk...

agustin bernasconi (Soy Luna)Where stories live. Discover now